Buffini & Company Blog

7 Proven Ways Real Estate Agents Can Overcome Phone Jitters

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For most real estate agents, the thought of picking up the phone and calling someone is almost always at the bottom of their “most enjoyable things to do” list. Even in a world where texting is the default, phone calls have their place. As a real estate agent, it’s imperative that you make calls. In some cases, you may get voicemail or a gatekeeper. Or you may get lucky and actually reach your client or lead.  

Follow these tips to help you overcome your phone anxiety and make the most of your calls.

  1. Choose a Friendly Conversational Icebreaker 

Here are a few suggestions that are friendly and not too “salesy”:

  • Let them know about a new place/community event.
  • Suggest a service provider they might want to use.
  • Ask how a referral to another provider went.
  • Mention something they recently posted on social media.
  • Share a hot topic you’ve seen in the news, Item of Value or in a blog post.
  1. Create and Adapt a Short Script

Your message should have a friendly greeting, your main point and then information on how they can easily contact you. You will have to adapt it slightly if you get voicemail or a gatekeeper.

Script example if you get voicemail:  

Hi Mary! This is John Jones from The Jones Real Estate Group. I saw that Tim got accepted to MIT! Congrats! You and Dan must be so proud.

I wanted to let you know Atlanta’s real estate market is really heating up. There are so many buyers anxious to move here. I’d love to chat with you about it over a cup of coffee soon. Why don’t you give me a call at 508-123-4567 and I will fill you in and answer any questions you might have. Again, my number is 508-123-4567. Hope to chat with you soon! 

Script example if you get a gatekeeper:

Hi Ann. This is John Jones from The Jones Real Estate Group, Mary’s real estate agent. How are you?

I was hoping to leave a message for her congratulating her family on Tim’s acceptance into MIT. That’s such exciting news! I also wanted to give her a quick update on the hot Atlanta real estate market.

Would you please let her know I called and would love to catch up with her? My number is 508-123-4567. Thanks so much and I hope you have a great day!

Script example if you get the actual person you are trying to reach:

Hi Mary! It’s John Jones from The Jones Real Estate Group calling. I saw that Tim got accepted to MIT! Congrats! You and Dan must be so proud.

[Mary responds]

I don’t know if you heard, but Atlanta’s real estate market is really heating up. There are so many buyers anxious to move here. I’d love to chat with you about it over a cup of coffee soon, my treat of course. Do you have any time this week or next we could meet? Even if you’re not ready to make a move now, it’s exciting stuff and might be something that someone you know could use.   

If Mary hesitates about meeting in person, offer to email her an update on the market that she can check out. Follow up promptly with what you promised along with a gracious thank you for her time.

  1. Role Play with Colleagues

Practice conversations with colleagues in your real estate office or friends acting as potential customers. They can offer helpful feedback such as if you are talking too fast or you were not clear at one point.

  1. Think Positive

It’s not just a cliched mantra — research shows that positive thinking works. Believe in yourself and your message. It’s natural to think that you are “bothering” someone. So change your mindset to one of providing a service.  You are bringing relevant content to them. In some cases, that might just be the very information they need at that moment to make a lifechanging decision.

  1. Visualize Success

Visualization is a great tool that many high-caliber athletes use. Before making a call, imagine you are doing so with professionalism, positivity and friendliness with the results a successful conversation and positive outcome.   

  1. Don’t Take it Personally

You never really know what is going on in someone’s life. It can be hard but do not take rejection personally.  You might be catching your client on a bad day. Just be polite, gracious and kind and always thank them for their time. A career in real estate is not a sprint — it’s a journey with ups and downs and many, many curves. Remind yourself why you are in this business and that’s ok to have a brief down moment as long as you don’t stay there. Take a walk or workout, chat with a friend or indulge with a small treat and then get back to work.      

  1. Invest in Yourself

Learn from the pros who “have been there, done that”. Real estate coaching and training is an investment upfront but can pay off with amazing dividends. Not only will you learn new strategies, but you will also get support and accountability that can help you push through obstacles blocking your success.

Interested in learning more about this subject and other real estate matters? We’ve got you! Click here to book a free Business Consultation today with Buffini and Company. We’ll help you get started on ways to create and grow a successful career.

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