Buffini & Company Blog

Expand Your Sphere of Influence

Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Mid-Year Bold Predictions 2024 , now available on-demand. Has there ever been a more complex time in the real estate industry? Brian gives you theinside scoop on what’s taking place behind the numbers. Watch now.

What do all of the top-producing real estate agents have in common? They are always working on generating their next lead!

That’s because being in the real estate business actually means you’re in the lead generation business. As real estate leader Brian Buffini likes to say, if you didn’t generate a lead today, you didn’t actually go to work.

Now there isn’t a secret treasure chest of lead information buried in a top producer’s backyard. There is, however, one buried within their database — and it’s in yours too! It’s called your sphere of influence, and once you’ve found the right real estate training to help manage this, you can use it to generate new leads.

What is a Sphere of Influence?

If you’ve been in the business a while, you’ve probably been working on this, so here’s a little refresher. Your sphere of influence is all of the people you interact with personally and professionally.

These could be your vendors (like accountants, electricians, home inspectors, etc.) or even your kids’ teachers, parents at Little League, the dry cleaners, folks at your church — anyone you hold a strong connection with in your area!

Managing Your Sphere

Once you’ve identified your sphere of influence, you need to nurture it to expand your real estate lead generation.

Explain to these folks who you are and what you do, and that they can trust you for their real estate needs. Keep in constant contact with valuable information on real estate and life to stay top of mind.

The idea is that these folks will then refer you to their friends and family, growing your business and creating your next lead. The Pathway to Mastery® —Essentials is a great real estate training program for agents looking to identify and manage their sphere of influence.

Expanding Your Sphere

For experienced agents who’ve already identified their sphere of influence, it’s time to explore how you can expand it.

The next step is to create an intricate B2B network within your current database. Strengthen relationships with contractors, plumbers, accountants, electricians and other business owners so that their sphere of influence merges with yours. When you invest in those business relationships, these folks will refer you to their clients, and vice versa.

This has the potential to double your lead generation efforts and build your professional reputation in the community!

Invest in Real Estate Training

Ready to expand your sphere of influence? Invest in a real estate training program that will take your lead generation efforts to the next level! The Pathway to Mastery®—Advanced is the latest real estate training program from Buffini & Company to help agents break through to the next level of their career. Sign up today!

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