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Unlock Your Communication Strength

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Communication is more than the act of presenting information or interacting with others. It is also the subtle verbal and non-verbal nuances of how we do that.

According to Buffini & Company’s REALStrengths® Assessment, there are two basic strengths when it comes to communicating – Aesthetic and Pragmatic. By identifying your communication strength, you can better adjust to different situations, leading to a positive outcome.   

What’s Your Communication Strength?

Think about some of your recent interactions, both personally and professionally. Review the two strengths below. Do either of these feel true to your strength? How about the other parties?

  • Aesthetic: You sense more than what is being told to you, either verbally or in writing. You pick up on tone, body language and eye contact. Nurturing and caring for others drives you. Receiving acknowledgement and appreciation encourages you.
  • Pragmatic: Facts, not feelings, are a priority for you. You focus on the content, not the context of how something is said to you or is sent to you in writing. You think logically and are motivated by progress and accomplishments.

You can take a free assessment at realstrengths.com to further help you understand these strengths.

See How Identifying and Adapting Your Strength Changes an Outcome

Scenario 1: A New Agent is Struggling to Get Started  

You are a team leader who is working with a new agent in your office. They have just closed on a big transaction that will significantly add to the team’s bottom line. You tell the agent “Good job! Keep doing what you are doing!” and you move onto your next priority.

Your agent seems downcast even though you praised them.

Recognize Your Communication Strength  

In the above scenario you have a “Pragmatic” communication strength and your agent’s is “’Aesthetic”.

Adapt Your Strength to the Situation

As a Pragmatic, to you, the end results are what matters. You don’t mean to be short with your agent, but you feel you have sufficiently shared your feedback with them.  

By not offering a lot of specific feedback, you leave them feeling unsure of whether they really did do a good job. As a result, they are not as confident as they should be.

Offer your agent some concrete feedback on exactly what they did right to accomplish their goal. Let them know how the deal is going to impact the whole team. Encourage them to keep up the good work but to let you know if there are things that you can do to help them in any way.

Scenario 2: Your Client is not Responding to Your Strength    

You are an agent who loves helping families find their dream homes. You are emotional and feel things deeply. When you close a deal, you feel as excited as if it were your own house that you are buying or selling.

The buyer you are working with is your exact opposite. You press them for feedback, but they seem aloof and worse, annoyed by your questioning. You are wondering if you are the right agent for them. 

Recognize Your Communication Strength  

In the above scenario you have an “Aesthetic” communication strength and your client’s is “Pragmatic”.  

Adapt Your Strength to the Situation

As an Aesthetic, you need to recognize although buying a home is an emotional experience for most people, some just show their emotions quietly or not at all. Some people also need space to process their own feelings, without having to accommodate others. Or they may be approaching buying a home purely as a business transaction.

Try to stick to giving them facts and figures about possible homes.  Assure your client you are not pressing them for information but do need some feedback so you can help them find their perfect home. Try not to take their aloofness personally. At the end of the day, if you do find their perfect home, that will be a reason to celebrate for both of you! By learning your strengths and understanding those who are opposite, you can better manage and leverage your experiences to foster success.  You will have satisfied customers who, because you took the time to really listen to their wishes, will want to recommend you to their family and friends. You will also have more productive interactions with with your colleagues as well.

To determine your communication strength as well as other specific strengths, go to realstrengths.com and take the free assessment.

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