What Agents Can Do Now to Accommodate Clients Moving Out of State
Did you know the real estate market is expected to grow by about 10% next year? Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Bold Predictions, 2025 Real Estate Market Outlook, now available on-demand. Watch now.
Just because a past client plans to move out of your region, that doesn’t mean you can’t help them get there!
An out-of-area move is not a lost sale for you as the agent — rather, it’s an opportunity to tap into your network and provide this client with a like-minded, trustworthy professional who can take care of them in their new city. Plus, you’ll find yourself with a nice referral fee should your client complete the transaction with that agent!
How do you ensure that you are prepared when a client comes to you for an out-of-state referral? Here are a few ways to accommodate your clients looking to make that major move.
Join an Agent Community
Building a nationwide network from scratch is no easy task. Instead of reinventing the wheel, search for existing networks of real estate agents who share your values, and get involved with that community. For example, Buffini & Company Members make up the largest network of real estate agents in all of North America. They connect via social media, small groups and virtual events, and even have a custom platform called the Buffini Referral Network where they send and receive referrals in the U.S. and Canada.
Know Your Stuff
Stay up-to-date on the latest real estate market trends to identify the current hot spots. Are people in your area trying to fly south? Perhaps they want to move to a more rural area, or a state with lower taxes. Understand where your clients might want to go based on current market data, so you can be more prepared to help them prepare. Don’t be afraid to ask the agents you know in those hot markets for their perspective!
Stay Connected
To stay top of mind with agents in other areas, you’ll want to engage with them all year round. This way, if their out-of-state clients are headed in your direction, you will be the first one they think to call, and vice versa. Engage the agents in your networks via virtual coffee or happy hours where you catch up and exchange ideas. For agents who are within driving distance, consider meeting quarterly to synergize and grow (when it’s safe to do so)! Buffini & Company Members have access to Buffini Groups to stay connected and motivated.
Talk to Your Coach
Check in with your real estate coach for more strategies on building your network and assisting your clients moving out of the area. Don’t have a coach? An investment in real estate coaching can take your business to new heights and guide you through unprecedented times. Buffini & Company One2One Coaching™ is a great place to start.
Start creating and engaging your nationwide network of real estate agents now to give and exchange more referrals this year. Demonstrate to your top clients that you are there to serve them, no matter where they are moving to!
Learn more about how Buffini & Company One2One Coaching™ can help you stay on top of it by signing up for a free business consultation.