Buffini & Company Blog

What to Do With All That Time When You’re a New Real Estate Agent

Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Mid-Year Bold Predictions 2024 , now available on-demand. Has there ever been a more complex time in the real estate industry? Brian gives you theinside scoop on what’s taking place behind the numbers. Watch now.

The world is your oyster when you’re a new real estate agent. With no direct supervisor telling you what to do or when to clock in, the newly-found freedom can be exhilarating — and also challenging.

If you don’t jump in right away with a solid time management plan, you may find yourself ending each week with no leads and an even longer list of to-dos.

This doesn’t have to be you! For the past two decades, Buffini & Company has provided real estate training for new agents to develop and stick to a time management strategy for lasting success. Check out our top tips for organizing your time as a new real estate agent. 

Set Business Hours

First things first, you need to establish set business hours to build a productive routine. If you adopt an around-the-clock workstyle right off the bat, you’re going to experience burnout very quickly. Instead, set boundaries early in your career so you know when to give your business your full attention, and when you can unplug. You’ll maximize your working hours and build a healthy work-life balance.

Sort and Qualify Your Database

This is an essential task that will also save you time and effort down the line. Once you’ve imported your database into a real estate CRM — we recommend our Referral Maker® CRM — it’s time to rank each person based on how likely they are to refer you to others. Your top clients will get an A+, A or B, and those are the people you should focus most of your energy on. That way you aren’t spending excess time or money on people that aren’t ultimately helping you generate more leads.

Make Real Estate Lead Generation a Priority

Put your big rocks in the schedule first! These are the business priorities that you must do each day, and as a new agent, your biggest rock should always be lead generation. Make sure to schedule large time blocks where you make calls, write notes and check in with your database to generate leads and referrals. Smaller tasks should be squeezed in around these priorities.

“Drop and Do”

If you find yourself spending too much time putting out little fires and not enough on your actual task list, it’s time to “drop and do.” This means dropping all of the non-essential tasks so you can focus on what you actually need to accomplish to generate a lead or close a deal. You can always come back to those other tasks at a later time — you just need to ensure that you are getting the big rocks taken care of first.

These are just a few ways you can become a time management wizard right away in real estate. For more tips on organizing your time, generating leads and becoming a true professional in your first year on the job, check out Buffini & Company 100 Days to Greatness®. This real estate agent training program was designed to help new agents find success within their first few months of real estate. Register to take the class online today! 

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