Buffini & Company Blog

5 Social Media Tips to Keep Your Clients Engaged

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With person-to-person contact still at a minimum during the coronavirus pandemic, social media has become an essential tool for staying connected with your database. In addition to your routine calls, notes and pop-bys, maintaining an active social media presence is a rock-solid way to connect with your clients during this unprecedented time.

At the heart of every great real estate social media strategy is follower engagement. Your goal should be to engage your clients and relationships in meaningful ways on all of your platforms — the Facebook algorithm actually optimizes for this type of content. This means that your relationships are more likely to be shown posts and videos that ask questions and generate discussion via the comments.

So how can you translate this to your own real estate social media strategy? You’ll want to prioritize content that evokes more than just a like from your followers. Engagement is the goal, so here are five tips to creating content that keeps your clients engaged.

  1. Post consistently. Create a social media content schedule. Diversify what you post so you include various types of media — pictures, videos, surveys, links and live broadcasts related to your field should be included on your master schedule.
  1. Go live. Live video is a great way to interact with your followers in real time. Pick a topic related to the industry — perhaps you discuss the state of your market locally or what you’re doing to guarantee safety on the job. Advertise the broadcast ahead of time so your clients know when to tune in!
  1. Conduct surveys. If you’re looking for consumer data to fuel your own understanding of your local market, use social media to conduct surveys. Not only does this entice clients to engage with your content, but it also gives you valuable market information unique to your region. You’ll get double content out of this when you post the results later on with some analysis!
  1. Ask questions. This may seem obvious, but it is essential to going the extra step and generating post comments! Include an open-ended question in each post so that your clients feel compelled to jump into the conversation.
  1. Engage with others. Instead of only focusing on yourself, make sure to interact with other people’s posts! Each comment you make gives you “points” in the algorithm — if that individual responds back, that engagement is more likely to get you shown first in their feed. Take it a step further by sending a direct message when a follower posts something interesting. Again, this direct interaction can help you show up more frequently in that person’s feed, keeping you front and center.

Become a social media pro when you implement these tips into your own strategy and stay connected with clients from afar. For more tips, inspiration and advice on how to navigate the real estate industry during these unprecedented times, visit the Buffini Bonus Resources for ideas.

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