Buffini & Company Blog

Are You Interviewing or Recruiting?

Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Mid-Year Bold Predictions 2024 , now available on-demand. Has there ever been a more complex time in the real estate industry? Brian gives you theinside scoop on what’s taking place behind the numbers. Watch now.

Every office wants to attract the best agents, but achieving this can be a tricky task. The mistake that many brokers make is believing that recruitment begins and ends with one interview. Nothing could be further from the truth! Great recruitment is all about consistent relationship building, something that should begin long before an interview is ever conducted. If you want to attract quality talent to your team, follow these actions steps for success:

Make a List

Rather than placing an ad for new agents, try actively recruiting instead. Who would you love to work with? Who is your dream candidate? Make a list of professionals in your real estate community that you’d like to do business with and then really focus on connecting with those people. This is a great first step to building effective alliances.

Make a Call

Once you’ve identified an agent you want to talk to, make an initial approach call. This conversation shouldn’t be a hard sell, just a check-in. Introduce yourself, tell them a little about your firm and let them know how much their professionalism is recognized and appreciated in the industry. Chances are they’ll naturally recognize a likeminded ambitious professional and their interest in your business could be piqued.

Make a Connection

To strengthen the bond between you, ask if you can stay in touch and then focus on building the connection. A great way to do this is to regularly provide topical market updates or other useful information, just like you do with your clients. With every interaction you have, you can showcase your professionalism and expertise, discover more about each other and assess whether you would be a good fit. Remember, it takes more than just one conversation to find the right candidate and to prove to that person that your team is the best one to join, so keep the lines of communication open!

Recruiting experienced producers is a process. It may take some time to find the best people but, if you’re consistent with foundational activities like these, you’ll make connections and build alliances that will open doors and result in the kinds of recruitment opportunities that will help you build an exceptional team.

Whatever your recruitment goals, Buffini & Company offers real estate training programs that will help take your business to the next level. With Buffini Certification, you can facilitate industry-leading training programs and get equipped with everything you need to get your office, team or students on the path to success. Find out more today!

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