Buffini & Company Blog

Getting Your Business in Order

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Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Mid-Year Bold Predictions 2024 , now available on-demand. Has there ever been a more complex time in the real estate industry? Brian gives you theinside scoop on what’s taking place behind the numbers. Watch now.

If you want to cut through all the chatter and learn the truth about the real state of the real estate market, then we’ve got you! Join us on Monday, July 10 for Brian Buffini’s Bold Predictions 2023: Mid-Year Update. Brian will be joined by former FHA Commissioner David Stevens who will offer insight, advice and predictions on the mortgage industry. Click here to sign up for this free broadcast that you will not want to miss!

Small business owners work extremely hard, but many of them still constantly feel behind because of their struggles with organization. The truth is, if you’re disorganized you’ll never get on top of things, no matter how hard you work. Here are some tips you can use in your business to create more structure, eliminate overwhelm and get on track to succeed at the highest levels:

Make your business goals specific

For a business to be in good order, there must be specific goals around production, income and time off. Do you know where the needle moves in regards to your output and productivity? Are your income goals crystal clear? Have you defined what you want in terms of time off? If you want to own your business instead of it owning you, you need to get specific! 

Track production stats

When it comes to running a successful business, your feelings can sometimes lie to you, making it seem like you’re doing better or worse than you actually are. That’s why it’s essential to track your production stats. In real estate, this means tallying transactions, monitoring the average sales price and margin on each and then consistently analyzing your hourly worth to ensure that you purposefully prioritize worthwhile activities. At the end of the day, numbers don’t lie, so make sure to track your stats weekly, review them monthly and then reprioritize quarterly.

Set core daily activities

Certain core daily activities are essential to getting your business in order. First, make a commitment to do a set number of calls, notes and Pop-Bys every day. Calling clients, writing them personal notes or popping by to say hi and drop off a small gift are all powerful ways to build a business that lasts the test of time.

Next, you need to commit to self-care. A great way to do this is to review your morning routine and see if you can include some movement, contemplation and good nutrition. If you win the morning, you can win the day, month and year!

Lastly, if you want your business to thrive long-term you need to focus on lead generation. Remember – every good business is built on strong relationships, so make building relationships your business.

At Buffini & Company, our clients have skilled real estate coaches to help them grow their business working by referral, while also living the good life! Our step-by-step system is tried, tested and extremely successful – our One2One Coaching™ Members earn an average of $310,000, ten times the national average! Why go it alone when you can have a trusted advisor to help and guide you? Schedule a free Business Consultation today to find out more.

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