Buffini & Company Blog

Creating Your Dream Real Estate Team

Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Mid-Year Bold Predictions 2024 , now available on-demand. Has there ever been a more complex time in the real estate industry? Brian gives you theinside scoop on what’s taking place behind the numbers. Watch now.

Although sports are looking a bit different this year, one thing is still for sure: the top teams make it a priority to recruit the best players. 

These players don’t have to have fully refined skills right away. Athletes with positive, growth-oriented mindsets are just as valuable, because coaches know that those players will put in their all to become the best of the best.

As a real estate broker, owner or manager recruiting agents for your own real estate office, you probably find yourself with a similar goal. Not every agent can bring A+ skills right off the bat, but they can bring an A+ attitude for professional development. Once these knowledge-hungry individuals get immersed in real estate training, their success and profits will skyrocket. 

But the bigger question here is how do you attract these goal-getters to join your real estate dream team?

The solution is simpler than you think: positive, growth-oriented people are typically attracted to companies whose values are the same. They need a space that can promise — and deliver — opportunities for growth and development.

Here are a few things you can do in your real estate office to attract professionals who are ready to grow and excel.

  • Provide Robust Training — Seek out a real estate training program that caters to all agents, no matter where they are in their career. The top training programs teach agents a long-lasting real estate lead generation system built on fundamentals of great business. Offer this training to all agents new to your company to launch them into success early on.
  • Offer Opportunities for Mentorship and Coaching — Link up more experienced agents at your brokerage with new ones starting out. Create a space where new agents can ask questions about lead generation strategies and tactics. There’s something in it for the veteran agents too! By coaching and mentoring those who are fresh in the game, the established agents are also exposing themselves to helpful new ideas and technology that could make their lives easier. 
  • Promote Personal Growth — Commit to a spirit of positive, personal growth within your company. That way, agents will be surrounded by strategies for improving not only their business, but their mindsets. This is especially attractive for those agents who are already hungry to grow. Send recommendations for motivational podcasts and articles or blogs on personal development. Look for online or in-person conferences (once permitted) that teach personal growth and development ideals. These will keep your hungry agents satisfied!

To get your office closer to recruiting agents for your real estate dream team, check out The Pathway to Mastery®. This real estate training program from Buffini & Company walks agents through a time-tested real estate lead generation system and teaches them valuable ways to boost profits and productivity. Sign up to lead this real estate training program  in your office!

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