Buffini & Company Blog

Creating Your Own Inventory in a Tight Housing Market

Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Mid-Year Bold Predictions 2024, now available on-demand. Has there ever been a more complex time in the real estate industry? Brian gives you the inside scoop on what’s taking place behind the numbers. Watch now.

There’s a lot of discourse about the lack of inventory in the real estate market right now. Circumstances are definitely challenging but, with 80 million households in this country, the real problem isn’t a lack of inventory – it’s a lack of listed inventory. The inventory is out there, you just have to go find it!

If you’re proactive and take action, you can create your own inventory and have a phenomenal year in 2021. Here are some powerful strategies you can start using today:   

Make It Known That Now is a Great Time To Sell

In the current uncertain climate, people need professional advice, guidance and leadership more than ever. Share the most up-to-date statistics, facts and figures with your clients. Encourage them to get news and information from a trusted resource like “It’s a Good Life,” which features interviews with leading economists, like Dr. Lawrence Yun of the National Association of REALTORS®. By providing them with reliable data on the housing market and economy straight from the source, you can reassure your clients that now is a great time to buy and sell.

Canvas Neighborhoods That Match Your Buyers’ Wants

In today’s competitive market, you need to get out there and shake the bushes! If you’re unable to find what you’re looking for, scout suitable neighborhoods for properties with the features you want. If you find something that might work, write to the homeowners to tell them that you may have a buyer for their home. Keep the letter short and make it personal, remembering to attach your contact details. Sometimes people delay putting their house on the market because they fear they won’t be able to find another one. Getting a handwritten note from a proactive agent like you could be just the encouragement they need to make a decision!

Revisit Your Database

Don’t wait for people to contact you – reach out to them first! Go through your database and then call or write to your clients to see how they’re doing and whether they might be considering a move. If someone you’ve already sold to is ready to act, then you can line up their home for your buyer. Being proactive like this means you can dynamically demonstrate your skills and show your clients that you’re ready, willing and able to do the legwork needed to get them their dream home. In these unprecedented times, people need to know that they’re dealing with a highly skilled professional who can deliver.

Perfect Your Pre-Listing Appointment Skills

Pricing a home is an art that even the most experienced agents can get wrong. The solution? Real estate training that helps to build advanced skills such as home pricing, like The Pathway to Mastery®—Advanced.  This real estate training program is designed for agents who have mastered the fundamentals and want to get to the next level. Once you complete this course, your career will accelerate, your business will thrive and you will become one of the best-of-the-best agents in the industry!

2021 is set to be a great year for real estate. There’s a lot of pent-up demand in the market, which means opportunity is coming. To make the most of it, you can’t sit and wait, you have to be proactive! Maximize your success this year by encouraging people to put their homes on the market and by helping them to find the next one. This way, you’ll create your own inventory and close plenty of sales in the coming year.

For next-level real estate training to help guide you, sign up for The Pathway to Mastery®—Advanced today!

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