Buffini & Company Blog

Empower Your Serving Style to Create More Growth and Success

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Did you know the real estate market is expected to grow by about 10% next year? Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Bold Predictions, 2025 Real Estate Market Outlook, now available on-demand. Watch now.

No matter your profession, you are in one way or another, in the business of serving. In a business transaction, the end result is important. But how you get to that end result is equally vital. In fact, it can often be the differentiating factor between getting repeat business and more referrals or not.

According to Buffini & Company’s REALStrengths® Assessment, there are two basic styles when it comes to serving – Create and Finalize. By identifying your serving style you can better adjust to different situations, leading to a positive outcome. 

What’s Your Serving Style?

Think about some of your recent interactions, both personally and professionally. Review the two styles below. Do either of these feel true to your style? How about the other parties?

  • Create: Starting new tasks and new projects excites you, momentum drives you and taking initiative is natural for you.
  • Finalize: Follow-through comes naturally to you, finishing tasks and projects energizes you and closure motivates you.

You can take a free assessment at realstrengths.com to further help you understand these styles.

See How Identifying and Adapting Your Style Changes an Outcome

Scenario 1 – A New Client Wants to Start Looking at Houses

A new client has decided to work with you. You are very excited to show them some homes you know they will love! You tell them that the sooner they get started, the better, because the market is hot, and houses sell as soon as they are listed.

Your client seems overwhelmed and confused. You waste time going to house after house. Your client is frustrated because they just want to move into a new home as soon as possible but they are not finding one that suits them. 

Recognize Your Serving Style

In the above scenario you are a “Create”’ and your client is “’Finalize”. You are full of enthusiasm and new and different ideas.  As a Create, you are ready to go and can’t wait to get started in showing them different homes.   

Adapt for Your Style to the Situation

In this case, as a Create, it’s great to be enthusiastic about starting the search with your clients but you first need to know what they want, not what you think they want. Sit down with them and ask specific questions about their preferences regarding what type of home and community they are seeking. Take notes and offer statements, such as, “I hear what you’re saying,” and, “If I understand correctly, you are saying…”

Offer positive but realistic expectations about the state of the market. Encourage them with statements like, “The market is still very tight in this area. But there is this one house that I think you would love based on what you have told me.  Shall I set up an appointment for you to see it?”

Ask them specific questions about what they liked about the house and the neighborhood. Let them know that it’s okay not to love every house they see. But by determining what they liked and what they didn’t, you will be able to narrow down the options and not waste their time (and yours) on houses that would not be a good fit. This will increase the chances of reaching their goal as a finalizer – closing on the house of their dreams.

Scenario 2 – It’s Time to Create a Business Plan for 2023

You are a leader on a team that is putting together a business plan for 2023. Your peer who is working on the project with you is excited about getting started on it and has compiled so much information and data for you to review. You are overwhelmed by it all and therefore are resistant to working on the project. 

 Recognize Your Serving Style

In the above scenario your peer is a “Create” and you are a “Finalize”.  

Adapt for Your Style to the Situation 

First, thank your peer for the time they put into the report so far. Assure them you respect that work and their enthusiasm and ideas. Sit down with them to come up with a realistic timeline that will work for both of you to complete this project. Set benchmarks that need to be made along the way so that the project finishes on time. 

Your peer will feel heard and supported for the work they have done. Your commitment to finishing the project by the agreed upon time will make them feel reassured. Since they thrive on starting a project and you thrive on finishing, acknowledging those different but complementary styles will help you both achieve success.

By learning your strengths and understanding those who are opposite, you can better manage and leverage your experiences to foster success.  You will have satisfied customers who, because you took the time to really listen to their wishes, will want to recommend you to their family and friends. You will also have more productive interactions with your colleagues as well.

To determine your serving style and other specific strengths, go to realstrengths.com and take a free assessment.

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