Buffini & Company Blog

How to Build Your Real Estate Business Plan for 2021

Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Mid-Year Bold Predictions 2024, now available on-demand. Has there ever been a more complex time in the real estate industry? Brian gives you the inside scoop on what’s taking place behind the numbers. Watch now.

Welcome to Q4! From pumpkin spice to apple pie to holiday magic, there is a lot to look forward to this time of year.

So don’t let 2021 business planning put a damper on your mood this season! While getting started on your real estate business plan can be tough, it is the best method for success in the new year.

At Buffini & Company, our real estate coaches guide agents on how to craft the perfect business plan, including must-have elements and what they can do to implement them.

Check out the five key pieces of any successful business plan!

Relational Marketing Strategy

Make sure your real estate marketing plan includes safe ways to connect with clients and strengthen relationships. Focus on a value-ad real estate marketing strategy that provides your clients with useful information about the market, finances and more via mail and email. When you invest in relationships, your connections will tell their friends and family to invest in you for all things real estate!

Consistent Lead Generation

Your real estate lead generation strategy must be consistent. Each day, you should be calling an old client, writing a personal note or even “popping by” their door with a small appreciation gift to show that you are still there for them. Even if they aren’t looking to buy or sell right now, they may have a family member or friend who is — by staying in touch with these folks, you are actually generating leads in the form of their referrals! This should be a consistent part of your business plan.

Results Tracking

The best real estate coaches know that without results tracking, there is little room for growth. Your real estate business plan should include a system that allows you to track your lead generation, transactions and marketing initiatives. That way, you’ll know exactly what’s working, and what you may need to do differently. This tracking will lead to increased profits in your future, so make sure your plan isn’t missing this! Buffini & Company One2One Coaching clients get access to Referral Maker® CRM to take care of all of their tracking needs.

Personal Growth

You need to get your head in the game as well when you’re on your journey to success! Set clear goals that guide your business strategy. Commit to positive, uplifting media that inspires you and teaches productive habits. When your mind and attitude are sharp, your business follows suit.

Real Estate Coaching

Everyone needs some accountability to make sure you stick to your business plan! A real estate coach will guide you in your business, making sure you are doing what you say you’re going to do. They also provide new strategies and recommendations to help you perform at your best. If you’re in a jam, they can give you some clarity to work through it. Real estate agent coaching is a great complement to an exceptional business strategy.

Ready to plan your business for 2021? No business plan is complete without Buffini & Company One2One Coaching! This real estate agent coaching program pairs you with a coach who understands your natural gifts and abilities, and how to translate those to a successful Working By Referral operation.

Sign up for a free business consultation today to see what Buffini & Company One2One Coaching can do for you!

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