Buffini & Company Blog

Get in the Habit to Succeed

Did you know the real estate market is expected to grow by about 10% next year? Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Bold Predictions, 2025 Real Estate Market Outlook, now available on-demand. Watch now.

In the summer it’s tempting to fall off course and start to drift away from reaching your goals. Blame the sunshine and great weather—it may seem more fun to put off generating leads right now; however, think about how you’ll feel in December when you have to give your loved ones I.O.U.’s instead of Christmas gifts.

Luckily, there’s still time to get back on track as long as you create a routine. My mentor Jim Rohn said, “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” I recently did an episode of It’s a Good Life about managing the world most difficult person. In the episode, I talk about the importance of having habits and routines. When you have routines, you can go into autopilot and focus your energy on making the most important decisions of the day. You don’t have to waste time and energy on small, insignificant decisions like what to wear, what to eat or how to spend your morning because you already know.

  1. Review the goals you set earlier in the year and remember why you set them. What is it you want to achieve? Once you remember why you set them in the first place, you’ll be more motivated to achieve them.
  1. Schedule it. If you want to achieve your goals, you have to make time to complete the steps and activities it takes to reach them. I like to do what’s called “reverse scheduling,” that is, when I set a goal, I list all the steps I think I need to take in order to reach it. By working backwards, I can more efficiently plan to move forward toward reaching my goals. Give it a try!
  1. Prioritize your to-do list. Many of us create these lengthy to-do lists, either on paper or on our phones. Some of us have even downloaded special apps to our smartphones to help us get more done each day, but we still don’t know where to start! Don’t make the mistake of putting tasks on our list without prioritizing them first. Not every task carries equal weight—some are far more important than others.
    I like to prioritize my list into A, B and C categories, and then number the tasks in each category by its priority, with #1 being the single most important thing I do that day. I do this every single day, in the same place and at the same time if I can. As you become more successful, you’ll have more tasks to add to your list. Make sure you’re spending time completing the most important ones before you move down the list.

Achieving your goals boils down to how well you can manage yourself. It’s not enough to set goals; you have to create routines to help you achieve them.

I’m having a lot of fun recording my podcast, It’s a Good Life. Be sure to download the latest episode and get motivated to life the good life.

It’s a good life!


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