Buffini & Company Blog

How To Create a To-Do List You’ll Actually Complete

A man ticking the check list

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In today’s fast-paced and often chaotic world, keeping on top of all of your daily activities can be tough! From sticky notes to scribbled diary reminders, most agents have multiple to-do lists on the go at any one time. Unfortunately, it can sometimes feel like instead of ticking anything off the list, all you do is add to it! Here’s how you can get organized and achieve more by creating a to-do list you’ll actually complete:

Set Your Top Three Priorities Every Day

Which three items are the ‘big rocks’ on your list? These are things that you absolutely must achieve, no matter what. Commit to tackling these items head on every day and avoid anything else that might distract you, such as email or errands. As well as highlighting these priorities in your CRM and daily planner, write your top three tasks somewhere in plain view and keep this front and center throughout the day to remind you to stay on track.

Get the Big Stuff Done First

When you’re in real estate, you’re in the lead generation business. Your aim is to consistently connect with and serve your clients at such a high level that you build rock-solid relationships with them and create a steady stream of high-quality referrals. To do this, begin every day by focusing on your lead generation activities. This way, by lunchtime you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing that you’ve taken concrete steps to build a strong business that will last the test of time. You can use the afternoon for other tasks, like paperwork or dealing with email.

Decide What You Can Delegate

Many agents make the mistake of thinking they can do it all. This can lead to frustration, underperformance and even burnout. Don’t try to go it alone; divide and conquer! How can you ease your load and still achieve more? What can you responsibly delegate? Maybe your assistant could take care of delivering your Pop-bys while you write personal notes, for example. There are only so many hours in a day, so make the most of them by getting some help and increasing your productivity. 

Get a CRM To Do It for You

A great real estate CRM should make it easy to tick off your to-do list every day. Look for software that generates personalized action steps based on income goals and client ranking. You should know exactly who to call, write or visit in order to keep generating referral business. A sticky note can’t tell you how to do that! For a real estate CRM with all of these key features and more, check out Buffini & Company Referral Maker® CRM. This award-winning productivity tool helps you to get organized, rank your database and find clear action steps every day. Sign up for a free trial and take “writing a to-do list” off your to-do list today!


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