Buffini & Company Blog

Is Your Brand Built to Last?

Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Mid-Year Bold Predictions 2024 , now available on-demand. Has there ever been a more complex time in the real estate industry? Brian gives you theinside scoop on what’s taking place behind the numbers. Watch now.

When a brand becomes a generic term, it means people automatically think of its product or service as the ‘go-to’ in its field. For example, in the United States, most people refer to a tissue as a Kleenex® and a bandage as a BAND-AID®.  In Ireland, meanwhile, people say Hoover when they mean vacuum because that’s been the leading brand for many years. When it comes to real estate, your aim is to be the name that’s automatically associated with exceptional customer service in the marketplace. Here’s how:  

Implement an Effective Lead Generation System

Top producing agents know that Working by Referral is the only system that builds the kind of business that will stand the test of time. Working by Referral is all about providing a consistent level of contact with and care for your customers so that you can develop lifelong relationships with them. When you create strong bonds of trust with your clients, they will refer you widely to others. This means that not only will you always have a steady stream of high-quality leads, but you’ll also get to work with people you like. It’s a win-win!

Nurture Your Database

Your database isn’t just a list of names, phone numbers and addresses, it’s a treasure chest of relationships that you need to nurture. If you always go above and beyond to exceed your clients’ expectations, you will build solid, long-lasting relationships and the referrals will pour in. Meeting clients face-to-face might not always be doable right now, but you can still show that you care and you’re willing to serve. Making calls, writing notes and delivering Pop-Bys, as well as sending Items of Value that people might find beneficial, are all powerful ways to connect with your customers. Buffini & Company Referral Maker® PRO marketing kit is a great resource that includes really impactful materials such as marketing flyers, Pop-By tags and handwritten note cards that you can use to deepen your relationships and promote your business in a strategic way.

Turn Customers into Advocates

The more you demonstrate the high level of care you provide, the more your clients will associate your name with exceptional service. When you can prove that you’re reliable, trustworthy and excellent at what you do, your customers become walking, talking billboards for you. Because of the happy experience they have had, they will eagerly refer you, increasing the reach of your brand and helping you to grow your business and become a household name synonymous with exemplary service. 

In today’s competitive real estate market, you want to be known as the agent that clients and their referrals can count on! Sign up for a free business consultation to learn how Referral Maker PRO can change your real estate marketing game.  

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