It’s the Skills That Pay the Bills

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In these uncertain times, clients want a real estate professional they can trust to get the job done right. One great way to give your customers confidence and to stand out in the marketplace is to develop exceptional skills. As my good friend Joe Niego, often called the best listing agent in the industry, always says, “Your skills pay the bills!” This means that the more highly skilled you are, the more the market appreciates and values you and the better you are compensated. Talent is something you might have naturally, but skill is only developed by consistently working on your craft.
As the great Lou Tice once said, “All permanent and lasting change starts on the inside and works its way outside.” Here’s how you can start working on yourself to keep your skills sharp, provide the kind of extraordinary service that your clients will want to tell others about and build a business that lasts:
Find the Right Real Estate Training
The best way to boost your energy, passion and output is to undertake a real estate training program. An effective training program is a powerful means of becoming reinvigorated about your business while keeping up to date with new developments in the industry. Continuing professional development is critical throughout the lifetime of your career – it should never stop if you want to be at the top of your game and serve other people effectively. It’s absolutely vital that you choose real estate training that is proven to produce results, however. To get you on the path to success, a program must tap into a trusted system for real estate lead generation. The Pathway to Mastery®—Essentials from Buffini & Company is a great start.
Practice Makes Perfect
Education without implementation is just entertainment. Once you have undertaken training, you need to apply what you have learned. Take an hour or so each day to practice lead generation dialogues and brush up on other skills you’d like to improve. Remember, your customers want someone who is highly skilled at what they do. They want to work with the best of the best, not someone who is operating below their potential or capacity. If you allow your skills to become dull and rusty, your value can rapidly depreciate, so keep practicing!
Seek Accountability
It’s human nature to try harder and perform better when we have to be accountable for our actions. This is where accountability partners, mentors and coaches are worth their weight in gold. Having someone to whom you have to explain your actions (or lack of action!) is a great way to motivate yourself. That person will hold your feet to the fire and make sure that you stay on track. Look for a community of like-minded professionals to take this journey with you. Get a colleague involved, or consider asking your brokerage to lead real estate agent training in the office.
Being skilled at something means that you have the ability to do it with expertise and get rewarded handsomely for it. When you invest in developing your skills, high-quality leads and referrals will follow. Your skills really do pay the bills! By continually focusing on your skills, you’ll achieve and maintain a peak state to build up your relationships, complete more transactions, fulfil your potential and create a rock-solid business that can weather all the peaks and valleys that this industry can throw at you. To get started, take The Pathway to Mastery®—Essentials course, a real estate training program from Buffini & Company. Find out more today.