Buffini & Company Blog

Let’s Have Some Fun!

Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Mid-Year Bold Predictions 2024, now available on-demand. Has there ever been a more complex time in the real estate industry? Brian gives you the inside scoop on what’s taking place behind the numbers. Watch now.

Having closed a few thousand transactions over the last 25 years, I can attest to the fact that selling real estate is mentally, emotionally and physically demanding. The work of lead generation requires you to consistently expend energy on calls, notes and Pop-Bys. Fence-sitting buyers, or those shaky deals on “life support” are emotionally draining. Going on listing appointments, writing contracts and negotiating deals require maximum concentration.

I love to have fun! If work isn’t fun, it prevents me from going all in. Dale Carnegie once said, “People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing.” This is so true. Don’t get me wrong; selling real estate isn’t always fun or entertaining, but I love the business and strive to make even the challenges enjoyable.

To spice up my annual production goal, I create a few fun mini-goals along the way. These goals can be daily, monthly or quarterly—but the key is to have fun!

Chicago is known for its ever-changing weather patterns. A warm, 70-degree day can come as early as March or as late as May. We never know. I like to have fun with the unpredictable Chicago weather and tie it to my real estate production. So we try to hit 70 deals before 70 degrees. We’re always checking the production board and the weather—and it definitely makes for a little extra excitement. Modify the goal to match your situation,
but the key is to make it challenging and fun!

Here’s another one. During the month of May, I would aim to do “a deal a day.” In other words, my goal was to close escrow on 31 deals in May. I know that might sound overwhelming, but I love to be challenged.

Maybe for you it’s a deal a week or two deals
 a week in the month of May. Be creative. Use a particular month to establish a challenging, but fun, mini-goal.

Do you sometimes take yourself or your day too seriously? Are you always trying to get a five-hour “to-do” list done in a one-hour time slot? I know I’m guilty of this. To manage my intensity, I’ve learned to insert fun breaks into my day.

basketballIf you come into my real estate office, you will see a Nerf basketball rim hanging from my office door. During the day I often challenge fellow agents and/or my assistants to a little shooting contest…loser buys lunch (I’m a pretty good shot!) or treats for the office (win/win for everyone!).

Sometimes, on a hot summer Chicago afternoon, I return to the office with an ice-cold slushie for everyone—mandatory break time! I find that taking a fun break helps me to re- energize, re-focus and be more productive.

Bottom line is this, mix your work day to make sure you have time for some fun breaks to keep you sharp and focused.

Speaking of fun, if you haven’t see this video of Brian and me, I think you’ll enjoy it.



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