How to Maintain a Positive, Resilient Attitude

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We live in strange times. Although are smartphones are akin to a modern marvel, it’s become our number one addiction today, beating out both food and alcohol. We take our phones everywhere and spend any free moment we have scrolling through social media and reading news headlines. It’s no wonder many people think this is the worst time to be alive. The truth is, previous generations have had it much harder. And, at the time, they also thought it was the worst time to be alive. We become so riled up each day with the latest headlines that we focus on things we can’t control. As a result, we’re making ourselves anxious and stressed. In fact, stress levels in the U.S. are at the highest level ever recorded—we’ve become the United States of Anxiety.
Learn from the timeless lessons of the past
To fight this anxiety and stress, it’s time we reconnect with one of the many things that makes America great—The American Spirit. One of America’s biggest exports over the last century has been personal development. American founder of the self-development movement, Russell Conwell, spoke of finding your “Acres of Diamonds” before going on to found Temple University.
Russell Conwell inspired other influential leaders of the personal development movement, including George Clason, who heard Conwell speak and was inspired to write “The Richest Man in Babylon.” These men inspired and motivated thousands upon thousands in their time and influenced other personal development leaders such as Dale Carnegie, Napoleon Hill, Norman Vincent Peale and W. Clement Stone. Dorothea Brand wrote ‘Wake up and Live,” a book that inspired both Og Mandino and Earl Nightingale, although most people don’t know her name.
Og Mandino, a mentor of mine, turned his live around when he hit rock bottom and overheard a choir singing at a cathedral nearby. Inspired by Dorothea Brand, he wrote the “The Greatest Salesman in the World” and gave the first manuscript to American icon, Jimmy Stewart, who was his commander in the military.
Each of these people were writing at a time when people thought it was the worst time to live. They wrote during times of economic and civil unrest and were able to give people hope that things would get better.
America has a core competency of personal growth and development that builds its people. No country in the history of the world has produced more prosperity and growth, and that may be due, in part, to the growth of the personal development movement. I’m here today because I committed myself to the unrelenting pursuit of growth as a person. I leaned into mentors such as Zig Ziglar, Jim Rohn and Brian Tracy and took their teachings to heart. They’ve helped me grow my self and my business and I enjoy sharing what I’ve learned with others in the hopes that they’ll become motivated and inspired to succeed as well.
Harness positivity
When you commit to personal growth, you’ll find you’ll become a more positive person. Your entire perspective will change. There’s more opportunity than ever before as long as you commit to putting the good stuff in. At the end of the day, the basic principles don’t change. Focus on the basic principles and reinforce them each day. Instead of watching YouTube videos of cute animals, let Og Mandino uplift your spirit and inspire you to succeed. Make it a point to read the great works of personal development, from “How to Win Friends and Influence People” to “Think and Grow Rich.” Study these books, take notes and think about how you can use the lessons in your life and business.
I discovered along the way that I’m a diamond in the rough. Personal growth and development helped me succeed. I’ve been doing It’s a Good Life podcast each week to share the mindset, motivation and methodologies to succeed in business. If you haven’t subscribed, what are you waiting for? And, if you’d like to get a heaping dose of motivation, sign up for Brian Buffini’s Success Tour, where we’ll help you find your ‘acre of diamonds.’