Make Goals Easier to Reach by Making Them Fun!
Did you know the real estate market is expected to grow by about 10% next year? Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Bold Predictions, 2025 Real Estate Market Outlook, now available on-demand. Watch now.
In last month’s blog, I wrote about how having fun can boost your production. Incorporating some fun into your daily activities can make it more enjoyable to achieve the goals you’ve set. Many agents feel they have to plug away, day in and day out, in order to generate leads. When you inject a little fun into your lead generation, you can boost your productivity while you sow the seeds for future business. Here are a few ideas:
70 Deals by 70 Degrees
I’m from Chicago, an area known for its changing weather patterns. A 70-degree day may come as early as March or at the end of May. Over the years, I’ve incorporated the unpredictable Chicago weather into my real estate production by trying to get 70 deals before it hits 70 degrees. We always check the production board and the weather to gauge how we’re doing.
Adjust this game to fit your area. If you live in a warm area in the Southwest, try 90 deals by 90 degrees. However you adapt it, remember to make it fun.
Deal a Day in the Month of May
In the month of May, I aim to close escrow on a deal a day—that’s 31 one deals in the month! It may sound overwhelming to many, but I do love a challenge. Again, adapt the game to fit your business. If June is a busy time in your business, try to close a deal a day or two deals a week in June.
The Blitz
We’re bringing back the Blitz in 2017! The Blitz is the industry’s most successful lead generation program and is designed to help you close at least one extra deal per month. The first one—Launch the Year—begins on January 16th and lasts 75 days. Start the year right and make 2017 your best ever. Be sure to sign up for it today!
Are you ready to have a great year and have fun achieving your goals? Make lead generation a game and remember to sign up for the Blitz.