Buffini & Company Blog

How to Make Lasting Changes in Your Life and Business

Did you know the real estate market is expected to grow by about 10% next year? Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Bold Predictions, 2025 Real Estate Market Outlook, now available on-demand. Watch now.

We live at a time where change occurs at a rapid pace. The number one reason people change is because it’s too painful not to. Often, people don’t change until the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of the change. John Maxwell said, “People don’t change because they see the light; they change because they feel the heat.” This type of change occurs to us and causes us to go into a reactionary mode.

Other times, we want to change, but we tend to go back to our old habits after a while because we haven’t fully transformed ourselves. My mentor, Lou Tice said, “All permanent lasting change starts on the inside and works its way to the outside.” Changing is more than adopting different habits or a new perspective; a change involves the process of transformation, very similar to that of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly.

Butterflies symbolize beauty and freedom, but, they don’t start out beautiful. They begin as caterpillars and transform into butterflies after going through a metamorphosis. In this stage, the caterpillar forms a pupa or chrysalis and their body breaks down and begins forming new organs, limbs and tissues. Once this process is complete, a butterfly will emerge from the cocoon. It’s a drastic change, but one that must happen in order for the butterfly to become what it is.

Many of us are stuck in caterpillar mode and don’t know how to reach our potential and become butterflies. Now, we won’t have to form a chrysalis and wait for our bodies to break down and form new parts; however, our transformation may involve changing our attitudes and mindsets, adopting new skills and habits and committing to constant improvement. Socrates said, “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” So instead of building a new body, we’re building a new outlook and way of doing things.

If you want to change your life once and for all, understand it’s a never-ending fight. It’s not a future event; it’s a present-day activity. All of the challenges you face are essential to helping you reach your potential. Although you may feel frustrated at the time, the challenges you face help you learn, grow and improve. A person becomes who they are based on the adversities they’ve overcome in their own life.

How can you prepare for changes and be proactive about it? Be conscious about what you put in your head. Read positive, motivational books (such as my latest bestseller,The Emigrant Edge) and listen to podcasts (perhaps It’s a Good Life) and audiobooks. Keep a journal, sign up for classes and seminars, get a coach and say daily affirmations. Also, be sure you associate with the right people; who you spend time with determines your attitude and altitude.

Don’t wait until January 1 to make lasting changes in your life or business. Brian Buffini’s Success Tour and Buffini & Company’s GameChangers will be all new for 2018. Register for BBST or Buffini & Company’s GameChangers when they come to a town near you.

It’s a Good Life!


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