Buffini & Company Blog

Master Your Listing Presentations

Master Your Listing Presentations

Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Mid-Year Bold Predictions 2024 , now available on-demand. Has there ever been a more complex time in the real estate industry? Brian gives you theinside scoop on what’s taking place behind the numbers. Watch now.

Over my nearly three-decade career, I’ve given a lot of listing presentations. The listing presentation is your chance to not only show your expertise; it’s an opportunity to create an advocate for your business. According to the latest survey from the National Association of Realtors, 85% of sellers would use their agent again or would recommend him/her to others.

Now, you might think the listing presentation begins when you’re at your client’s kitchen table, after they’ve shown you around their home. However, it actually begins during that first conversation you have with your sellers, whether it’s over the phone or in person. When you speak with them, here are several questions to ask:

  • “How did you hear about me?”
  • “Have you ever sold a home before?”
  • “How soon do you want to move?”
  • “Why do you want to move or sell?”
  • “What are your biggest fears or concerns about selling your home or moving?”

Your clients’ responses will reveal how motivated they are to sell and how much experience they have buying or selling property. Generally, someone who has bought and sold several homes may have less anxiety about the process than a client who has never sold a home before. In most cases, selling a home can be an emotional process, and your sellers’ answers will help reveal the anxieties they may have, which gives you the opportunity to alleviate their fears through excellent service.

The Essentials of a Successful Listing Presentation

The National Association of Realtors survey says 31% of sellers chose their real estate agent based on the reputation of the agent, and 21% chose their agent based on his/her honesty and trustworthiness. How can you build your reputation and trustworthiness? Serve your clients well in every stage of the transaction, including during the listing presentation.

Even if you’re the only agent the sellers contacted to sell their home, it’s important to be prepared to demonstrate your character and competence. A successful listing presentation includes:

Respect. When you give it, you’ll get it in return.

Provide facts about the current state of the market to offer perspective and set the stage for the rest of the presentation.

Introduce the Complete Home Marketing Plan, which gives an overview of the steps you plan to take to sell their home, from suggesting property enhancements to the marketing strategy to managing the transaction from beginning to end.

The pricing presentation. Always talk about price last. When you start with this information, it’s all the seller will focus on for the rest of the presentation—they won’t hear about the great services you offer and what you’ll do to sell their home.

Ask the sellers to make a decision. The sellers may want time to process the information you’ve presented to them. However, it’s helpful to ask them directly if they’re willing to allow you to sell their home. Say, “Based on everything you’ve heard, are you ready to move forward this evening?” If they say they want to think about it, follow up with them in a few days.

Keep in touch. Once you have the listing, check in with your sellers each week by phone, email or a personal note. Use Referral Maker CRM to remind you to touch base.


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