Providing Calmness and Support During Turbulent Times
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Recently, novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has been at the top of everyone’s mind. As a real estate agent, you should continue to be a source of calm, encouragement and support for your clients. By sticking to the basics of Working by Referral, you can still provide your clients and community stability during a time where uncertainty feels like the new norm. Here are some ways you can continue to provide compassion, competency and exceptional service to your clients during this unusual time:
Calls, Notes & Pop-Bys:
More than ever, this part of the work by referral system holds true. In a time of uncertainty or when people feel uneasy, hearing from others is a great way to provide a sense of calm. With more people working from home or avoiding crowds, they may feel isolated. Go through your client list and call those you know could use to hear a friendly voice, or might need some support. Or, sit down and start scribing some notes. Receiving a kind note in the mail never fails to put a smile on someone’s face. Need to break up your day and get out of the office? Put together some Pop-by gifts and start delivering them to your A+ clients. These little extras of making calls, writing notes and popping by with small gifts will be appreciated.
Connect on Social Media:
Using social media to work by referral is a great way to bridge the gap between your online activities and offline relationships. As you scroll through your social media feeds, take note of what’s going on with your clients. Not only should you comment on their posts when it’s appropriate but take it one step further and follow up with a call, note or pop-by (see above). Come across an article that might help parents who have to work from home while their kids are off of school? Share it on your platforms and tag those you know have doubled their work-from-home duties.
Gather a Virtual Group
Know some folks who might benefit from getting together? Using the concept of the Client Appreciation Party, gather clients together to break bread — but on a smaller scale, and online. Using Zoom, Google Hangouts or Facebook, think about like-minded clients who may benefit from a get together to discuss topics from your recent Items of Value. Know some bookworms? Create a monthly book club with select clients and commit to reading self-improvement or motivational books. Discuss what you learned and how it can be applied to every day life.
Invest in Yourself
Speaking of learning, now is the perfect time to invest in yourself so you can give back to your clients on a new level. Take a break from the news and immerse yourself in content to help protect your mind. Subscribe to motivational podcasts, like It’s a Good Life, to get strategies and methodologies for success. Brush up on your work by referral fundamentals and take a real estate agent training course online. The Pathway to Mastery®—Essentials is an 8-week course that will teach you how to maintain a solid business in any market. Feel like you need a little extra kick? Consider getting a real estate coach to help you navigate your business and keep you accountable.
During times like these, it is more important than ever to provide exceptional service to your clients. Continue to connect with your clients to demonstrate your compassion and competency. By applying the fundamentals, exceeding expectations and providing unexpected extras you will stand out from the crowd now and in the future.
Buffini & Company: Navigating Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Buffini & Company takes the safety of our clients and staff seriously. We will continue to provide updates from Buffini & Company as we monitor the situation with novel coronavirus (COVID-19).
For more tips, inspiration and advice on how to navigate the real estate industry during the COVID-19 outbreak, visit our Buffini Bonus Resource hub for ideas.