Buffini & Company Blog

The Power of WHO – an Interview with Bob Beaudine

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We all have key relationships in our lives that can help us in ways we never imagined. I recently interviewed Bob Beaudine, the nation’s top sports and entertainment executive recruiter. Author of “The Power of WHO,” Bob explained why our friends can be our conduits to success. Here are some of the top takeaways:

You Already Know Everyone You Need To Know

We all have friends who can help us to succeed in reaching our goals. Unfortunately, many of us have been taught that asking for help from our friends is wrong.  What we must realize is that friends and business aren’t taboo. The traditional idea of networkingtrying to make connections with strangers is generally ineffective. It’s the community of friends that you have developed through love and unconditional giving over the years that will give you everything you need. Acquaintances wish you well, but your friends want to actually help you and they will come to your aid if you just ask.  

Serve Others

When you care for, serve and help other people, you will be blessed in return. If you focus on pouring yourself into your friends and helping them to make their dreams come true, your dreams will come true too. As Zig Ziglar said, “You can have everything in life you want if you will just help other people get what they want.” When you do everything that you can to serve your friends, they will naturally want to help you in return.

Find Your WHO

Who are the people who help you consistently? You must identify these folks and then deepen those connections. Reach out and tell people how you feel about them in a genuine and authentic way. It doesn’t take much to let others know that you truly value and appreciate them, but it can make a world of difference. When you know your WHO, you have to remember to humble yourself enough to ask for help – and then accept that help! Sometimes, we can resist accepting assistance, which actually robs the other person of the joy of giving. In the end, we all have to realize that everyone is a cup short of greatness – we need other people.

To learn more about the Power of WHO, listen to the latest episode of “It’s a Good Life.

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