Buffini & Company Blog

The Source of the Good Life

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What’s the source of the good life? Ambition. Ambition is a word that can sometimes have negative connotations, but there are actually two kinds: selfish and healthy. Selfish ambition is a desire to succeed at the expense of others. Ultimately, it’s destructive. Healthy ambition, on the other hand, is a desire to succeed in the service of others. By its very definition, it’s a virtue. To live the good life, you need to tap into this healthy form of ambition so that you can produce and succeed at the very highest levels. Here’s how:

Turn your wishes into desires

We all have things in life that we wish for, such as good health, great relationships and a strong business. To really succeed, however, you can’t just wish for what you want – you must turn your wishes into desires, your desires into goals and your goals into a daily routine. Goal setting is scientifically linked with higher motivation, self-esteem and self-confidence. To live the good life, you need to analyze where you are; set SMART goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-based; and then get help to build a plan to get to where you want to go.

Devote yourself to discipline

Discipline is when you do what you need to do when you don’t feel like it! A great way to kickstart a disciplined routine is to win the morning by establishing a solid routine and then getting it down pat. For example, you could meditate, take a cold shower, work out, have a healthy breakfast and then read some worthwhile content. It’s all about being prepared beforehand so that the choice is taken out of it and there are no decisions to make. Give yourself some grace if things go wrong but, if you take decisive steps to win the morning, before you know it you’ll find that you’re winning the week and then the year.

Find your example

We all need role models – people who can mentor us in areas of our life that we aspire to or need help with. Role models should cheer you on, encourage you and coach you. In turn, you should imitate their behavior so that, in time, you can become a better example for your own loved ones, staff, colleagues, customers and people who need your help. Remember: First you learn, then you do, then you teach.

Healthy ambition is the source code for the good life. Harness it in the service of others and you’ll turn your wishes into desires, develop phenomenal discipline and ultimately become a role model for other people. To learn more, listen to the latest episode of “It’s a Good Life.”

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