Buffini & Company Blog

The Success Tour is in full swing!

Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Mid-Year Bold Predictions 2024 , now available on-demand. Has there ever been a more complex time in the real estate industry? Brian gives you theinside scoop on what’s taking place behind the numbers. Watch now.

Hello everyone!

Well, we launched our 2015 Success Tour in San Diego a few weeks ago on February 10-11, and it was fantastic. With over 1,600 folks in attendance at the live event, and over 8,100 watching from broadcast locations throughout North America, we were thrilled. It was a wonderful way to start the year and I really enjoyed meeting many of you, some for the first time, some old friends, and some really old friends. I hope you went home with a wealth of learning and possibilities! Personally (and maybe I’m a tad biased), I thought Brian and Joe brought their ‘A game’ and Tim Sanders offered some awesome perspectives on taking our business’ to the next level. Those guys are good!

We’re off to Richmond next on April 1-2 and will be joined by Dr. Nido Quebin, President of High Point University and one of our favorite speakers of all time, best-selling author Les Brown.

If you haven’t been to one of our events before, you need to go. You’ll learn, laugh and be inspired to grow personally and professionally. Brian has all new content this year, and shares some wonderful personal stories, and you’ll see with your own eyes what’s possible to achieve in your career and in your life.

Success Tour

Mainstage at the Success Tour in San Diego

The tour keeps trucking along, after Richmond, we’re heading to San Jose in June 23-24, Philadelphia on September 16-17, Texas on October 14-15, and close the year out in Toronto on December 2-3. Seriously, you need to go.

I’ve attached a quick clip from San Diego to temp you, so enjoy.

Oh, by the way….you may have noticed this is a new blog page where we hope you will find a lot of useful information about our company and our programs. We’re also planning to bring some surprise bloggers to share their insights on how to optimize your business growth, your personal growth, and maximize all the tools that are available to you, so check back often.

It is an exciting time at Buffini & Company! We’re in the mist of the 2015 Success Tour, and I’m really looking forward to meeting you at one of our next stops, so take the first step to your best year ever and join us.

It is a Good Life…


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