The Top Five People Who’ve Helped Me Grow
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Many people call me a self-made man, but I’ve had plenty of help from mentors and coaches who’ve supported, encouraged and inspired me on my road to success. The truth is, we don’t achieve our best by going it alone. If we want to truly learn, grow and fulfill our potential, we need help. Whether it’s a sports trainer, a real estate coach or a personal growth and development mentor, we always do better with someone in our corner.
These are the top five personal growth legendswho have impacted and improved my life immeasurably over the years. I’ve studied the philosophies of some; others I’ve had the opportunity to learn from directly:
Jim Rohn
I heard Jim Rohn speak early in my career and it changed me forever. He told me, “If you work on your job, you’ll make a living. If you work on yourself, you’ll make a fortune.” This profoundly resonated with me and set me on a lifelong journey of personal growth and development. Because of Jim, I made a commitment to always keep learning so that I would become the best version of myself that I could.
Zig Ziglar
Zig taught me about the power of motivation. He famously said, “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing; that’s why we recommend it daily.” Motivation is something that we all have to work at if we want to maintain momentum and continue to improve in our work and our life. Zig also always focused on kindness and serving others first, values that have deeply influenced all of my relationships.
Lou Holtz
Top college football coach Lou Holtz taught me about the importance of goals, reminding me that a great leader helps a team to win with a vision and a plan. He also educated me about sacrifice and discipline, saying “Without self-discipline, success is impossible.” We can all come up with excuses for inaction, but, as long as we have excuses, we’ll find reasons not to succeed.
Og Mandino
The author of one of my favorite books, “The Greatest Salesman in the World,” Og Mandino taught me the value of sheer persistence. His quote, “I will persist until I succeed,” always reminds me to never give up, no matter what challenges and obstacles I encounter. If we want to succeed, we must learn to live with failure. We all make mistakes but, if we can embrace the seasons and experiences of failure, we can turn them into a gift.
Earl Nightingale
The father of personal growth and the voice behind “The Strangest Secret,” Earl Nightingale taught me that your thoughts determine your success. What we think about today and tomorrow will mold our lives and determine our future, so we have to make sure that we’re focusing on the right stuff! In essence, “We become what we think about.”
There’s no such thing as a self-made man or woman – all of us need help to achieve, to grow or to recover from a setback. We want to be focused and determined, but we must acknowledge that we need help too. When you work with a real estate coach, you have someone to help you grow and hold you accountable. Are you receiving all the help that’s out there? You don’t need to go it alone!Sign up for a free business consultation to see what Buffini & Company One2One Coaching can do for you.
When you work with a real estate coach, you have someone to help you grow and hold you accountable. Are you receiving all the help that’s out there? You don’t need to go it alone!Sign up for a free business consultation to see what Buffini & Company One2One Coaching can do for you.