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7 Steps to Harness Incredible Power in Your Life

The Emigrant Edge

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The American Dream—the opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determination and initiative–was rooted deep in my heart when I came to this country as a teenager with just 92 dollars in my pocket. I believe I’ve been able to succeed because of what I call the Emigrant Edge, a particular set of traits that have given me a leg up.

My life’s work has been dedicated to teaching and training people how to live the American Dream. Over the past 20 years, I’ve presented success strategies to three million people at seminars and events all over the globe, and I’ve listened to their thoughts, feelings and beliefs about this topic. I’ve learned that the American Dream means different things to different people. For some, it’s all about financial prosperity. For others, it means educational opportunities, or homeownership, or a combination of these. At its essence, the American Dream is about a special spirit and potential for growth that’s unique to this country.

I believe the American Dream is alive and well. Although we may face challenges, we are still fortunate enough to have the inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness that are denied to many in lesser-developed countries.

There are people in this country who see this land with fresh eyes and take nothing for granted. Despite the many disadvantages they face, they recognize the opportunities available and are ready and willing to work hard to take advantage and achieve what they want. Who are these people? Immigrants like me.

The Emigrant Edge - How to Make it Big in AmericaWhat do we have in common? We have a voracious openness to learn, a “do-whatever-it-takes” mindset, a willingness to outwork others, a heartfelt spirit of gratitude, a boldness to invest, a commitment to delay gratification and an appreciation of where we came from. These are the traits of the Emigrant Edge.

I wrote “The Emigrant Edge” to both encourage and challenge you. I want to encourage you to know that it’s possible to adopt the Emigrant Edge no matter where you were born. I also want to challenge you to understand that people come to this country without knowing the language, understanding the culture or having any resources, and they become phenomenally successful. If they can do it despite those challenges, you can too!

I arrived here with practically nothing and went on to found the largest training and coaching company in North America. I may have achieved my version of the American rags-to-riches story, but I haven’t just acquired material wealth since I came here. I’m also lucky enough to have obtained the sort of internal fulfilment that no amount of money can buy. I want the same for you.

It’s time for a wakeup call. We need to remind ourselves who we are, what we’ve accomplished as a nation and how great our future can be! Read “The Emigrant Edge” and let it be your secret weapon for success. I guarantee it will change everything!


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