Buffini & Company Blog

Three Ways to Make Your Agents Feel Valued

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When you lead a real estate team or brokerage, it’s your responsibility to provide your agents with everything they need to be successful and feel valued. To do this, you must build a vibrant culture that supports, mentors and empowers your top producers so they can keep learning, growing and thriving at the highest level. Here are some ways you can make your agents feel appreciated, so that everyone wins:

Encourage Friendly Competition

Competition can be considered a dirty word but, when you find the sweet spot where you’re able to encourage competition in your team while also nurturing positivity, your office culture will flourish. Remember – an ethos of ‘competition with love’ breeds champions! Make sure to always reward your top-performing producers for their outstanding efforts – you could send them to Buffini & Company MasterMind Summit or gift them with The Pathway to Mastery – Advanced training, for example. Investment like this is a great way to let your hardworking agents know how much you respect and value them. 

Break Bread Together

Treat your top producers to a nice meal regularly. Keep it to two at a time, so you can really connect and establish yourself as a trusted advisor and confidant. While you eat, ask what you can do to better serve and support them. Get their opinion on the office environment and how they think it could be improved. Honest feedback is essential to creating and maintaining a positive culture, but you must be authentic and take their comments on board. Otherwise, distrust and resentment can build.

Provide Ample Real Estate Training

Providing ongoing training is the best way to show that you’re invested in your agents’ success. Income improves when skills improve, which is why so many top agents are focused on training opportunities. If you prioritize professional development, you will always attract the best people and have a highly skilled team that is constantly developing.

Get your team committed to a proven real estate training plan that helps them to keep growing. Make 100 Days to Greatness mandatory for new agents and host multiple classes for The Pathway to Mastery – Essentials and Advanced courses. When you show that you’re really committed to helping them win, top producers will seek you out and stay loyal to you.

Start building your empowered office community today! Buffini & Company has real estate training solutions for agents at every step in their career. Find out more about getting Buffini Certified so you can lead these next-level real estate training programs in your office today.

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