Buffini & Company Blog

Top 4 Takeaways from The Hero Effect with Kevin Brown

Did you know the real estate market is expected to grow by about 10% next year? Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Bold Predictions, 2025 Real Estate Market Outlook, now available on-demand. Watch now.

The world needs heroes – people who lead, love and serve at a higher level. I recently spoke with Kevin Brown, author of “The Hero Effect,” about what it really means to be a hero. Here are some of the top takeaways from our conversation:

We All Need Coaches in Order to Improve

When he was a teenager, Kevin took some wrong turns, made some poor decisions and quickly spiraled out of control. Luckily, he met a special mentor who helped him to reset and change the course of his life. We all need coaches to guide and help us; people who will pour into us and make us better than we could have ever been on our own.

The Best Sales Principles Never Change 

Kevin’s mentor taught him some very valuable lessons about selling – principles that he still applies in his life today. To be a good communicator and a good partner, whether it’s with family, friends, clients or teams, you must listen a lot more than you talk. Get really good at asking questions and never stop seeking what it is that somebody truly desires to find. And remember – people are attracted to those who have competence, can solve problems and can help them get from where they are to someplace new. If you prospect every day and cultivate your referral base to drive your relationships deep, the work will be brought to you. At the end of the day, principles don’t change, tactics do!

Our Understanding of Heroism Should Be Redefined 

Heroes are not ordinary people who do extraordinary things – they are extraordinary people who choose not to be ordinary. Extraordinary people are the best of the best at what they do, whether it’s business, sports or entertainment. Not only do they play at a high level themselves, they elevate the game for everybody on the team. The great news is, we all have the potential to be extraordinary! We are all created with talents, gifts and abilities as unique as our fingerprints, so never stop searching for the gifts that you were given.

You Can Change Your Storyline

Many people simply accept the storyline that life gives them. They don’t realize that the pen is in their hands and that they can rewrite the story. When you have a compelling vision for your life and for your business, the resources will start to show up. Take control and be the best when it matters most and you will be a hero in your own life.  

Listen to the latest episode of It’s a Good Life to learn more about unleashing your inner hero.

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