Buffini & Company Blog

Why Experience is a Crucial Part of Growth

Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Mid-Year Bold Predictions 2024 , now available on-demand. Has there ever been a more complex time in the real estate industry? Brian gives you theinside scoop on what’s taking place behind the numbers. Watch now.

We talk a lot about personal growth here at Buffini & Company. It’s so important that we’ve made committing to personal growth one of our core values as a company. Why do we place so much emphasis on it? It’s simple: continuous growth and learning keeps our skills sharp, allows us to serve our clients better and is essential to our lasting success.

The Greeks classified knowledge into three categories: head, heart and experiential.

  • Head knowledge is traditional education and what you learn from books and classes.
  • Heart knowledge is your intuition.
  • Experiential knowledge includes the experiences you or other people have gone through.

Personal growth is all three. While head knowledge lays the foundation for heart and experiential knowledge, Greeks said the latter were more important than head knowledge. Without them, it’s tough to put information into context. That’s why, while your buyers and sellers are more informed now than ever before, they may not understand what they read or learn within the context of your market. Your intuition and experiences provide this necessary context and empower them to make the right decisions.

Experiential knowledge isn’t limited to your experiences—you can learn a lot from the experiences of others, too. We’ve invited business leaders, such as Rudy Giuliani and Les Brown to share their inspirational stories of courage and determination at the Success Tour. We’re continuing the tradition this year with guests including Magic Johnson. Their stories are sure to inspire you to face the challenges that come your way and succeed no matter what. Whether you face challenges personally or through the experiences of someone else, you’re sure to grow.

On March 17th, we launch It’s a Good Life – a brand new podcast that will explore the mindset, motivation and methodologies behind true success. I’ll also be doing regular interviews with some of the best thought leaders out there. Be sure to tune into the It’s a Good Life.


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