Buffini & Company Blog

Your Five Circles: How Are They Doing?

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There are Five Circles in life: spiritual, family, business, financial and personal. These essential circles are interconnected, which means that, when one circle is off, it can affect the others, too. For example, if you don’t devote enough time to your self-care (personal circle), then you may find yourself getting irritated with your spouse and kids (family circle). Likewise, if you don’t keep your finances in order, your business may run into difficulty. To “live the good life” you must strive to stay healthy in each circle or you’ll lose balance.

It’s fair to say that 2020 has been an extremely challenging year, in which it was very easy to lose balance. This is why I launched the 5 Circle Fit Challenge in the Spring. During these difficult times, it was more important than ever to create momentum and stay active and fit in each circle.

As the end of the year now approaches, it’s time to check in on your Five Circles, refocus your priorities and prepare for what 2021 has in store. Here are some ways you can improve the health of each of your circles today:


Make the time to feed your spirit or pursue your faith and keep connected with something bigger than yourself. Small and simple actions can have profound and lasting impacts.

  • Use Headspace or Prayer App.
  • Send an end-of-year care package to your friends or family.
  • Take a gratitude walk in nature.


Family is defined as your spouse, partner, kids, extended family or friends who are like family. These are the most important people in your life, so it’s vital to make time to spend with them!

  • Host a holiday movie night with immediate family and invite other relatives to join virtually.
  • Commit to family dinner once a week.
  • Have a holiday recipe bake-off.


In your professional endeavors, you must implement systems and plans that create a successful business. Investing in personal growth, training and development is key to success. An investment in yourself is the best investment you will ever make! 


Healthy finances allow you to fund big financial goals and establish peace of mind. Keep your spending under control and your savings on the right track.

  • Evaluate your 2020 budget and plan for 2021.
  • Cut any unnecessary services and assess your savings.
  • Analyze your investments (stocks, retirement, etc.) and build a relationship with a financial advisor.


Before you take care of others, you must first ensure that you’re in great shape by prioritizing your own physical and mental health and fitness.

  • Check in with your health goals and set some for the coming year.
  • Start a regular exercise routine and walk at least 30 minutes a day to get moving.
  • Evaluate your kitchen habits and commit to healthy meals.

At Buffini & Company, we believe the Five Circles are vital to your success. To thrive in every circle, sign up for One2One Coaching. Get a free business consultation today!

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