Buffini & Company Blog

The #1 Secret to Becoming Wealthy

Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Mid-Year Bold Predictions 2024 , now available on-demand. Has there ever been a more complex time in the real estate industry? Brian gives you theinside scoop on what’s taking place behind the numbers. Watch now.

Although many people dream of wealth and riches, few often achieve it. Some make excuses as to why they aren’t wealthy—they weren’t born into riches or they haven’t been given the opportunity. Many feel that wealth has to do with luck, so they’ll purchase lottery tickets every week in hopes that one day they’ll hit the jackpot.

In reality, the path to lasting wealth has nothing to do with luck or birth and it’s certainly not paved with discarded scratch tickets. The path is built upon good financial habits and preparation, as well as the focus to sacrifice in the short term in order to achieve long-term wealth. It’s about starting where you are financially and slowly building a nest egg that will help you achieve your goals.

These are lessons that Brian Buffini has taught for more than two decades. Brian hasn’t always been wealthy. In fact, when he first arrived in the U.S. from Ireland in the 1980s, he had $92 in his pocket. With a goal to achieve wealth and success, he met with several successful people, and each suggested he read “The Richest Man in Babylon,” by George Clason. Needless to say, Brian has not only taken the book’s lessons to heart; he’s also shared the lessons with his family, friends, Buffini & Company Members and millions around the world.

“The Richest Man in Babylon” is focused on a man named Arkad and the financial lessons he learned from a wealthy moneylender named Algamish. The central principle: A part of what you earn you should keep. It sounds so simple; however, in practice, it’s a challenge for many people. How many of us have already spent our earnings by the time payday rolls around? In addition to bills, we spend our hard-earned cash freely on things we want—designer clothing, nice restaurants, expensive cars, etc.—instead of putting a percentage of money aside to work for us and help us become wealthy. It’s a mistake that separates the wealthy from the debtors.

Take control of your finances and learn the lessons that will help you build wealth. Subscribe to It’s a Good Life, and listen to episode #097: The Book that Made Me a Millionaire, for timeless strategies that will help you build a financially comfortable future.

Buffini & Company

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