Buffini & Company Blog

10 Real Estate Videos for Connecting with Clients

Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Mid-Year Bold Predictions 2024 , now available on-demand. Has there ever been a more complex time in the real estate industry? Brian gives you theinside scoop on what’s taking place behind the numbers. Watch now.

The most successful real estate video strategies focus on providing value to clients. If the video isn’t adding value, then it’s just another blip on the crowded digital media landscape!

The key is to produce something that clients want to watch — and something that leaves them with a nugget of information that they didn’t know before.  

Here are ten unique, value-add ideas for real estate videos that you can email to clients, post to social media or share as a live video.

  1. Real Estate Market Update — People always want to know how the market is doing, and you should be the one to tell them! Give local and national updates and be sure to add context on what it means for buyers and sellers. Check nar.realtor and realtor.com for national and local statistics, respectively. You may also check out real estate leader Brian Buffini’s Facebook page for market updates he shares in Facebook Live broadcasts. If you do this one as a live, boost engagement by hosting Q&A.
  2. Monthly Content Preview — Do you send your clients value-add mailers as part of your real estate marketing strategy? Send a brief video to preview the content you have coming up. If you plan on delivering Pop-Bys throughout the month, give clients a head’s up that you’ll be stopping by along with a hint about the item!
  3. Favorite Spots in the Area — Have some fun with this one! Talk about favorite local restaurants, attractions and hikes. Ask your clients to weigh in on their favorite places/things to do in the city as well. Not only is this engaging for current clients, but it’s also something they can share with any out-of-town referrals they plan on sending your way.
  4. The Magic of Owning a Home — Film a short video (or stream it live) on why it pays to own a home. Current homeowners you’ve worked with get hard numbers to show they made the right choice, while perspective buyers may warm up to the idea. Don’t forget to share the financial differences between renting a home and owning it! Oh, by the way, we made you these guides on renting vs. buying and the benefits of homeownership to help.
  5. Listing Preview — Got a hot new listing? Tease it with a short video! Let viewers know how excited you are to bring this property to the market. Consider doing a video tour of the home and talking about the elements that make it unique. You’ll generate a hype for the property and potentially score a qualified buyer from your database.
  6. How You Work — Think of this as an introduction to your brand. Share a video that explains how you work. For example, an agent who Works by Referral would explain that they provide a high level of service while providing consistent value in order to generate referrals from current relationships. Your clients can shoot this over to their friends and family when they refer you!
  7. About Me — Real estate is a relationship business, and to build a relationship, people have to know a bit about who you are! Record a short video where you talk about your background in the industry, your family and your hobbies and interests. You post this to social or keep it handy to quickly send to new leads to start building the relationship.
  8. Testimonials — Ask your top-referring clients if they’d be willing to do a short video about their experiences with your business. They can record this on their own time and send to you, or you can film it for them when you see them at a closing or other meeting. Give them a few bullet points outlining what you’d like them to talk about. These videos add to your credibility!
  9. Promote Fellow Businessowners — Reach out to vendors in your network and set up a video interview. This builds your relationship with that businessowner, establishing a path for exchanging referrals. You may choose to feature contractors, landscapers, accountants, restaurant owners or anyone else in your professional network. Discuss something of value (I.e. how to get your home ready for spring, tax time prep, etc.) and remember to provide the business owner’s contact info!
  10. Virtual Open Houses — Level up your next open house by recording a video and posting it on social or emailing to your network. Let them know how long you’ll be there for, and what makes this home unique. This is a great way to market these properties and get more perspective buyers through the door. You may receive some online inquiries from folks who couldn’t make the open house but are still interested in buying.

Use these ideas to build out your robust real estate video strategy. Referral Maker® CRM from Buffini & Company can help. The new Video Messaging tool is an add-on feature that lets users embed videos directly into email. Users can also share content directly to social and receive detailed analytics on video performance. Learn more about Referral Maker CRM and the new Video Messaging add-on!

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