Buffini & Company Blog

3 Questions to Help You Define Your Purpose

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While some people are confident in knowing their purpose, many of us will spend our lives trying to figure it out. The good news is, we all have the same basic purpose in life: To serve others. Although the specifics may vary based on our talents and experiences, the underlying current is always service.

You may be saying, “If I was ‘Oprah rich,’ I would spend my life serving others, but I’m struggling to make ends meet as it is.” Oprah may be known for being extremely generous and giving away cars and vacations; however, she was generous long before she was a billionaire. As she grew personally and professionally, she had the ability to give more and more.

Service doesn’t have a price tag. It’s true that grand monetary gestures make the news; however, it’s the small things you do every day that truly improve the lives of those around you. It’s putting the needs of others ahead of your own and giving without any expectation of getting anything in return. It’s giving for the joy of it—just because you can—not because you feel obligated.

So if your purpose is to serve, how do you go about fulfilling your purpose? Ask yourself these three questions.

  1. Who do you want to help? Is there a particular group you’d like to help, or with whom you feel a special connection? Look within your community to identify a need.
  2. How do you want to help them? Although money helps, service isn’t always financially-based. You can volunteer your talents and skills to serve as well.
  3. What would be the desired outcome? In other words, how will your service impact their lives? This will help you focus your purpose and set your expectations.

Want to learn more about connecting service with your purpose? Listen to episode #118 of “It’s a Good Life,” recorded live at MasterMind Summit® in San Diego. Click here to listen.

Buffini & Company

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