Buffini & Company Blog

3 Reasons to Become a Mentor

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Are you a seasoned real estate professional who’s looking to give back to the industry? Have you reached a point in your career where you want to share your knowledge and expertise with other agents? For many of us, when we reach a certain level of success, we turn our attention to helping others achieve success as well. Former British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli said, “The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches but to reveal to him his own.” By mentoring another real estate professional, you’re revealing their potential through advice, encouragement and continued accountability. Here are three reasons to become a mentor.

1. Inspire your agents to thrive.

Becoming a mentor is more than guiding your agents and helping them take their careers to the next level through training or development opportunities; it’s about sharing your experiences and showing your agents that success is possible. It’s about using your expertise in the industry to help them navigate a challenging transaction, a demanding client or offer perspective when a deal falls through at the 11th hour. Leading by example, you’ll work with your agents as a team and one-on-one to help them find their motivation, set goals and achieve success.

2. Improve your leadership and professional skills.

Every time you meet with your mentees, you’ll hone your leadership skills, improve the way you communicate with others and may even learn something new. As a mentor, you’ll gain perspective and have the opportunity to share your experiences and tips with someone who can benefit from your experiences.

3. Increase production in your office.

When you take a vested interest in your agents, their success becomes your success. Your agents will not only appreciate this additional attention, support, knowledge and experience, you’ll find they’ll work harder, too. Why? They don’t want to disappoint you. Since you’re holding them accountable to their goals and potential, they’ll work even harder to meet your expectations. By providing ample encouragement, you can be sure their motivation will remain high.

You’ve achieved success; now work toward significance by becoming a mentor. Make the impact that makes a difference in the career of an agent and in the industry as a whole. Share your success and help others thrive.

Buffini & Company

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