Buffini & Company Blog

3 Reasons to Attend Brian Buffini’s Success Tour Live

Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Mid-Year Bold Predictions 2024 , now available on-demand. Has there ever been a more complex time in the real estate industry? Brian gives you theinside scoop on what’s taking place behind the numbers. Watch now.

Real estate seminars are a great way to reconnect you with your business while you learn about new tips to help you serve your clients and work your business better. Buffini & Company events have earned a reputation for being among the most memorable events that professionals attend. People attend Brian Buffini’s Success Tour for many reasons. Some go to get tips to help them take charge of their businesses; others go to get inspired. Whatever your reason for registering, you can be sure that you’ll leave the event charged with the motivation to thrive in business and life.

stressedI’m not “feeling it” in my career anymore.

Although you may try to hide it, it’s obvious when you’re just not that into your business anymore. And, chances are, your clients can see it in your mannerisms and your actions. The top thing sellers want from you is to market your home to potential buyers; your buyers want you to help them purchase the right home.* It’s nearly impossible to help them achieve their goals and encourage them to call upon your services again when your mind is elsewhere and your heart isn’t in it.

Attending the Success Tour live will help you rekindle your fire for the business. The content provides timeless tips to help you improve the way your business functions. But, most importantly, the energy of the crowd, of Brian and of his special guests will motivate you to change your attitude and inspire you to reconnect with why you went into business in the first place.

I have an idea of where I want to go in my business, but haven’t had time to put it into action.

It’s easy to put business planning on the backburner when you get busy. Every day, you focus on the activities that keep you in business, but may never take the time to step back, take an overhead view and create a plan to push your business to the next level.

During the Success Tour, you’ll have the opportunity to think about your business. Over two days, your focus is on your business, from setting goals to planning your finances to improving your attitude and mindset. Your job for most of each day is to sit, be present and devise a plan for your success. Sure, you may check in with your assistant or listen your voicemails; however, because you’re away from the office, you won’t be tempted to put off this essential planning in favor of another activity or fire that pops up. It’s just you and your business.

I want to meet other highly-motivated, successful professionals.

Jim Rohn famously said, “You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” It only makes sense to attend the Success Tour to meet and befriend other like-minded real estate professionals who are committed to the work by referral system. In fact, many of our Members attend the Success Tour and our other events to catch up with friends and colleagues in the business and meet new ones. If the attitudes and habits of the professionals you spend most of your time with are holding you back, attend the Success Tour live and make some new connections.

What are you waiting for? You have three more opportunities to see Brian Buffini and his special guests this year. Seats are filling fast at each event. Register today to reserve your spot!

*Source: National Association of REALTORS® 2014 Profile of Home Buyers & Sellers

Buffini & Company

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