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3 Ways to Get Started with Relational Real Estate Marketing

3 Ways to Get Started with Relational Real Estate Marketing

Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Mid-Year Bold Predictions 2024, now available on-demand. Has there ever been a more complex time in the real estate industry? Brian gives you the inside scoop on what’s taking place behind the numbers. Watch now.

At Buffini & Company, we like to practice relational marketing with a little system called Working by Referral. The idea is that by investing in relationships with your sphere of influence, you can create advocates of your business who will refer you to their friends and family. Channeling your real estate marketing efforts toward relationships with your favorite clients is a fun and effective way to generate a steady stream of leads that will sustain your business for years.

Check out these three tips to get started on the relational marketing journey.

1. Mail a Consistent Item of Value

An Item of Value is an informative marketing piece that provides useful information to your clients — news they can use about common topics like taxes, building wealth, cybersecurity and more. Mail these flyers monthly to provide value to your relationships and demonstrate a level of care that sets you apart from the crowd. The information in these Items of Value can also make for a great conversation starter for regular check-in calls with your clients and past clients.

2. Invite a Business Owner to Lunch

Your B2B network can become a valuable source of referrals — if you ensure that you nurture it! Link up with another business owner you work with to grab lunch or coffee. You may reach out to your accountant, contractor, attorney or anyone else you see semi-regularly. As business owners, you can exchange ideas and synergize over subjects like growth and marketing. You can also open the door to referring each other to your respective databases. Investing in B2B connections is a great strategy for any agent looking to become a more relational marketer!

3. Always Follow Up with a Personal Note

Whether you just delivered a Pop-By to your current first-time buyer or bumped into a past client at the grocery store, always follow up these interactions with a personal note! It’s a small unexpected extra that doesn’t go unnoticed, and it will leave the recipient with a smile on their face. Personal notes are an exceptional way to deepen current relationships and rekindle past ones. The gesture lets your competence and character shine, keeping you top of mind when folks in your database are looking to buy or sell a home.

Above all, Working by Referral with relational marketing efforts should be fun! You get to work with people you actually want to be around, and they want to refer you to other great people just like them. Buffini & Company Referral Maker PRO marketing kit has everything you need to help you build those relationships — between personal notecards and beautiful Items of Value, you’ll get all the tools for success delivered to your door each month. Get started today and see how this kit will transform your lead generation! 

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