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4 Proven Ways to Build Your Business Network | Buffini Podcasts

A man in a blue suit shaking hands with a client

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Building a business network is one of the smartest things you can do for your small business. By creating strong relationships with other business owners in your community, you’ll not only benefit from connecting with likeminded people, you’ll give your own business a powerful advantage too.

Make the connections

When you’re trying to build a successful business, ask yourself; ‘Who already has an existing relationship with my future customer? Who are the small businesses in my area that are serving my potential clients right now?’ If you connect and build relationships with these trusted businesses, you’ll be able to endorse and refer them to your database and they’ll ultimately be able to do the same for you with their existing pool of customers.

Be on the lookout to refer

When you’re trying to build business-to-business relationships, you must constantly be on the lookout for opportunities to refer. Does your client need a reliable roofer or a talented interior designer, for example? How can you be the connector between that customer and a small business that you trust? When you do refer another business to a client, bear in mind that you can’t have the mindset of ‘I referred you, now you owe me.’ Don’t keep score! Give first with an open hand and you will get referrals back. As Keith Ferrazzi once said, “The currency of real networking is not greed, but generosity.”

Ask for the referral

It’s often much easier to ask a business person for referrals than it is anyone else. When someone’s in business for themselves, they will understand your mindset and where you’re coming from. After all, it’s likely that they’re trying to grow their own business too, so you have a goal in common. Send referrals their way and then tell them you’d appreciate any referrals they might have for you in return. Remember – always make sure to do a great job for anyone they send in your direction. That way the connection and trust will continue to grow and they’ll be eager to keep reciprocating!

Grow a community

Connecting with other likeminded small business owners in your community doesn’t have to be complicated. Why not organize a simple get-together like a breakfast once a quarter or every six months to exchange information and ideas? You could even have a guest speaker to share market insights. Breaking bread together is a powerful way to build bonds and deepen relationships. In today’s increasingly isolated society, people yearn to connect, brainstorm, discuss common problems and simply socialize!

No one is designed to go it alone. Get out there, become the connecting link between businesses in your community and you’ll create the kind of mutually beneficial relationships that will always result in a steady stream of quality referrals. To learn more, listen to the latest episode of “It’s a Good Life.”

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