Buffini & Company Blog

5 Essential Video Tips for Real Estate Agents

Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Mid-Year Bold Predictions 2024 , now available on-demand. Has there ever been a more complex time in the real estate industry? Brian gives you theinside scoop on what’s taking place behind the numbers. Watch now.

Implementing video into your real estate marketing strategy is a powerful way to boost your connection with clients — and its influence continues to increase.

In 2020, 76% of businesses reported video as their most important type of content, and 83% of marketers see video becoming even more valuable to their organization.  

So how can you incorporate video into your real estate business plan? It’s easier than you think! Check out these five essential video tips for real estate agents to help you get started.

  1. Keep it short. People are more likely to watch 15-30 second videos in full. Of course, if you’re sharing a market update or Facebook Live, it’s natural to go longer.  
  2. Get the right light. Keep the light source in front of you, and avoid filming with your back to the window. Tools like ring lights are great to add glow. Consider outdoor recordings for soft, natural light.
  3. Know your objective. This will keep your video focused.You might be offering a content preview, following up, saying thanks or inviting a fellow business owner to lunch. Whatever the goal, try writing bullet points of what you want to say, but avoid sounding scripted.
  4. Include a call to action. Tell recipients to check their mailbox for a personal note or invite them out to coffee. When in doubt, just remind them you’re never too busy for referrals!
  5. Track your analytics. Whether you posted on social or sent via text or email, monitor your video’s views and engagement to identify top-performing content. Then you’ll know what to prioritize in your video strategy.

It doesn’t take much to launch a real estate video strategy — if you have a smartphone or webcam, you’re good to go. For best results, however, you’ll need a simple yet powerful way to distribute videos and track performance.

Referral Maker® CRM can help.

The award-winning real estate CRM from Buffini & Company recently integrated with BombBomb, a leading video sharing service, to offer Video Messaging. Referral Maker CRM users can now easily embed video into emails or upload them to social media, while also receiving detailed analytics on views and engagement. Implementing a real estate video strategy is easier than ever with Referral Maker CRM Video Messaging. Find out how this add-on feature will change your game!

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