Buffini & Company Blog

5 Habits that Boost Productivity, Generate Leads and Lead to Success

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Many people want to know the secret to success. In reality, there is no secret to reaching lasting success; however, if you take a hard look at your habits, you’ll see what’s holding you back from becoming more successful. Our habits—those things we do automatically every day—can either help or hinder us on our journeys to achieving our goals. What habits do the most successful people share?

Wake up early. Ben Franklin famously said, “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” While it’s tempting to sleep in, the most successful people in business start their days with the sun, if not before. Take advantage of the peace and quiet the early morning brings by doing activities that lay the groundwork for a more positive and productive day. For example, write in a journal, go for a run or hit the gym, write a personal note to a mentor or loved one or set aside time to read. The point is to escape the frantic pace of our mornings and make it a reflective time to fortify our mindset

Prioritize. As a busy real estate professional, you’re certainly no stranger to writing a to-do list every day. However, many of us simply write down the tasks we need to do without separating the most important activities from the rest. Instead of just adding tasks to the list, prioritize it.

Delegate. The more successful you become, the longer your to-do list will grow. However, not every task has to be done by you. Delegate the easier, but time consuming, tasks to your assistant, such as preparing and mailing your monthly marketing flyers, filing paperwork, etc. By delegating the smaller tasks, you’ll have the time and energy to focus on the tasks that drive your business.

Commit to daily personal/professional development. If you want your business to grow, grow your mind. When you improve your skills and mindset, you’ll be able to offer your clients the highest quality service. Do something each day that helps you grow, whether you meet your mentor or coach for lunch or attend a real estate seminar every quarter.

Stay in touch. When we get busy, communicating with our clients, colleagues and loves ones often falls by the wayside. However, if you work by referral, communicating with your clients and colleagues is essential to leading a thriving business. Schedule a set time each day to catch up with correspondence, pick up the phone to check in, write a personal note or set up a time to meet for coffee or lunch.

If you want to achieve success, it’s essential to cultivate the habits that foster it. Work on one habit at a time, and when you’ve mastered it, move to the next habit.

Not sure which habits to start implementing first? Schedule a complimentary coaching session today.

Buffini & Company

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