Buffini & Company Blog

5 Lessons Learned from The Brian Buffini Show

Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Mid-Year Bold Predictions 2024 , now available on-demand. Has there ever been a more complex time in the real estate industry? Brian gives you theinside scoop on what’s taking place behind the numbers. Watch now.

Brian Buffini began “It’s a Good Life” podcast more than two years ago with the intention to deliver the mindsets, motivation and methodologies of success. Today, thousands of listeners tune in each Tuesday for the strategies and inspiration that will help them in their business and careers as well as in their personal lives. Over the past 100 episodes, here are five favorite lessons…

  1. Inconsistent work ethic will turn up inconsistent earnings; inconsistent earnings will not avail of opportunity; not avail of opportunity will absolutely undermine any attempts to go build your own fortune and make it big in America. What keeps most people from achieving success is a closed mind, an inconsistent work ethic, a sense of entitlement, a need-it-now mentality and a lack of vision or perspective. However, if you have a dream, a consistent work ethic, an open mind and understand the world owes you nothing, you’ll surpass your competition and thrive in any market and any industry at any time.
  1. We control our attitude and what we do every day. The decisions we make, and their outcomes, become our life story, which is part of our DNA and can’t be taken away. What decisions will you make today that will impact your business and life? What do you truly want? What does happiness and success look like to you? What can you do, change or decide today? When your mind is made up, you’ll rise to the next level of resolve and find true peace.
  1. Patience pays off in wealth and life. Warren Buffett famously said, “The stock market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient.” If your ultimate goal is to become wealthy, acquire assets over time and be sure that what you spend money on is aligned with your values and what you really want.
  1. To strengthen your relationships, take a timeout. Brian and Beverly Buffini may be the model of a successful marriage, but that doesn’t mean they don’t work at it. Often, couples drift apart over time. Timeouts give you time to reassess, regroup and reconnect with one another. They allow you to pause and create a blueprint that will help you achieve your mutual goals. It’s an intentional practice; one that will prevent you from becoming disengaged.
  1. Have a clear idea of what truly matters. When you live by your values, you become happier and more satisfied with your life. As Brian Buffini says, “When your values are clear, your decisions are easy.” When you know your “why,” you’re willing to fight through the challenges you’ll face, it’s easier to persevere and you’re more likely to endure.

Listen to the 100th episode and subscribe to It’s a Good Life for more great information. Also, revisit the episodes mentioned to learn more about the topic and gain more strategies to help you improve your life and business.

Buffini & Company

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