Buffini & Company Blog

5 Reasons You Need a CRM

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Do you want to be more productive, better organized and have more control over your business? Use a CRM. A Customer Relationship Management program is intended to help professionals stay on top of their businesses and succeed. If you want to take your business to the next level, invest in a CRM.

  1. Manage your database. A database is a list of relationships. When you work by referral, you rely on these relationships, and their referrals, to drive your business. A CRM allows you to store all of your clients’ information in once place so you can refer to it quickly. Keep the information updated so that you’ll always know how to contact your clients.
  2. Connect with clients. Do you know who to contact today to touch base and ask for referrals? If you use a CRM like Referral Maker® you will. A CRM like Referral Maker was designed specifically for real estate professionals who work by referral. You’ll know who to call, write a personal note to or deliver a Pop-By to every day. And, if you’re stumped about what to say, there are scripts available to help you start the conversation.
  3. Track your productivity. How productive are you each day? Your CRM can tell you. You’ll see at a glance all the activities you’ve completed each week. With this information you can see what you need to do to finish the week strong. Tracking your activities keeps you motivated to succeed.
  4. Stay on top of your finances. One of the most important things you can do as a small business owner is track your finances. When you know how much money is coming in and how much you’re spending, you can adjust your spending for the financial health of yourself and your business.
  5. Set, and make sure you achieve, your goals. Having goals is an important first step to success. But, it’s not enough. It’s important to follow up with an action plan to make sure you achieve the goals you’ve set. Referral Maker CRM not only allows you to set goals in your business and personal life, it also helps you track your progress so you can be sure you achieve them. Track your activities, see your progress and achieve your goals.

Referral Maker CRM will help you take control of each aspect of your business, from lead generation to your overall productivity. If you’re not currently using Referral Maker CRM, what are you waiting for? Click here to try it for free for 30 days.

Buffini & Company

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