Buffini & Company Blog

5 Ways to Tell Your Database That You’re Their Go-To Agent in 2020

5 Ways to Tell Your Database That You're Their Go-To Agent in 2020

Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Mid-Year Bold Predictions 2024 , now available on-demand. Has there ever been a more complex time in the real estate industry? Brian gives you theinside scoop on what’s taking place behind the numbers. Watch now.

The new year is a great time to get in touch with past and current clients to let them know you are there to serve in 2020! Do some hustling now to start the year at the top of clients’ minds. Try these real estate marketing ideas to get started.

Pick Up the Phone

Schedule time this month to contact your database and check in with your top people. Wish them a happy new year, find out what’s new and remind them that you are never too busy for their referrals. Possible other topics: the real estate market in 2020, how things are going in your local area, any new laws or regulations affecting real estate.

Write a Note

Writing a personal note to your database establishes a more personal level of care. People pay attention to these things! Even if you’re just writing to say “Happy New Year,” a little note will go a long way in keeping you top-of-mind. 

Pop by With a Small Gift

This is how you can get face-to-face with clients in the new year. Deliver instant hot chocolate, windshield wiper fluid, hand warmers or anything else you think clients may benefit from this time of year. You leave your clients with something they actually need, while reinforcing that you will be there for them throughout 2020.

Throw a Party

Why not?! There’s always a reason to get your top-referring clients together to show them appreciation. You could host a Valentine’s Day event or a March Madness party. Your gathering doesn’t necessarily need a theme either — maybe you get your best people together for a bowling or ice skating party with pizza and other goodies. This is how you can say thanks and generate some referrals!

Send Monthly Value-Add Items

Kick off your real estate marketing with a bang by sending an informative piece monthly that sheds some light on timely common topics like tax preparation, buying or selling or how to build wealth. Start now and set an expectation for your clients that you’ll be providing value year-round.

To incorporate all of these real estate marketing ideas with ease, check out Buffini & Company Referral Maker PRO marketing kit. This provides monthly items of value and beautiful note cards to send out as well. You’ll also get digital access to tons of “pop-by tags” and the real estate CRM, Referral Maker CRM, to keep track of everything. Check it out!

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