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How to Be Mentally Tough

How to Be Mentally Tough

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We all face difficulties and setbacks in life. To rise above and overcome these challenges, we must be mentally tough. If you’re mentally tough you will be more resolved, more determined, and more successful.

Mentally tough people have certain characteristics in common. First, they are resilient. They persevere through the good and the bad – it’s not that they don’t get knocked down, but they don’t stay down.

Second, they are resolved. They make up their minds to keep going, in spite of the roadblocks ahead. In short, they persist until they succeed.

Third, they take calculated risks. Mentally tough people know that if you play not to lose, the best you can hope for is not losing. They aren’t willing to settle for the ordinary, so they achieve the extraordinary by taking risks in a strategic way.

Here are some powerful how-to’s to help you increase your mental toughness today:    

Be a stopper, not a quitter

Stopping is a loss of momentum; quitting is a loss of hope. There’s a huge difference. Just because you’ve stopped doesn’t mean you have quit. The key to success is to shorten the gaps between when you stop and when you restart. Continue to fight through the obstacles in your way and give yourself grace. Ask yourself, what can I do today? When you focus on one day at a time it builds up resilient resolve that allows you to become more mentally tough.

Do the hard stuff first

One of the things that makes us mentally weaker is procrastination. We procrastinate about things that we think might bring conflict, result in judgment, or scare us. If you consistently do the hard stuff first, however, you conquer every day. Difficult things are no longer a big deal because you do them all the time. As Les Brown says, ‘If you do what is easy, your life will be hard. If you do what is hard, your life will be easy.’

Get accountability

One of the reasons Buffini & Company clients do so well is because they have the accountability of a skilled real estate coach. Accountability makes progress automatic, keeps you going, and ensures you stay on track. As Stephen Covey said, ‘Accountability breeds responsibility.’

Watch your self-talk

Internal dialogue changes the external application, so be sure to watch and improve your self-talk. Talk to yourself like you would talk to someone you love. As Henry Ford said, ‘Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.’ Tell yourself you can, and you will!

Mental toughness will allow you to enjoy your life, succeed at higher levels, and give great energy to people. It’s a powerful resource to have, so tap into it today!

Listen to the latest episode of “It’s a Good Life” to hear Brian offer more tips and advice for being mentally tough. Click here to listen.

Buffini & Company

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