Buffini & Company Blog

8 Ways Rejection Can Help You Achieve Growth

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Did you know the real estate market is expected to grow by about 10% next year? Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Bold Predictions, 2025 Real Estate Market Outlook, now available on-demand. Watch now.

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No matter how you look at it, rejection stings, whether it is personal or in business. The important thing to remember is that it is usually about the other person and their circumstances and very rarely ever about you.

Here are some tips on how you can use rejection to become more positive, confident and successful.   

  1. Rejection Happens to Everyone

Every single successful person throughout history has faced rejection. This includes Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Steve Jobs, Elvis Presley, Oprah Winfrey and Michael Jordan.

The one common factor among these famous names? They never gave up.

2. Accept Your Emotions — and Move On

It’s only natural to feel upset, embarrassed or discouraged when the outcome is not what you wanted. Take a moment or two and let yourself really feel and accept those emotions. Journalling, exercising and talking to someone are great ways to deal with those feelings when they are overwhelming you. Then release those emotions and move on.

3. Know Your Value and What You Have to Offer 

Be clear on your value proposition and what you have to offer the world. Know your product or service from “a” to “z” and why it is worthwhile to others. If you don’t truly believe in it, then others won’t either. 

4. Put Yourself in Others’ Shoes

How do you improve the lives of others? How will their business or life change? Don’t make everything about you and your needs — make it about how you can best serve your client and their needs.  

5. Evaluate After the ‘No’

A “no” is not always a “no” — sometimes it’s a “not right now.” A client may have personal family issues or may have already made another commitment to someone else. Stay positive, professional and gracious. Circumstances can change at any time. The time may not be right now but could still be in the future.

6. Fill Your Mind with Positivity

Create a network of positive influences such as other successful professionals, peers and friends. Working with a real estate coach can help you develop strategies as well as a game plan to stay positive. Gently but politely remove yourself from those who insist on complaining and being negative.

Reading books, listening to podcasts and webinars and attending events with other leaders and peers will also help you create positivity as well as teach you strategies for success.

7. Play the Numbers Game the Right Way

You may have to make a lot of calls, pay a lot of visits and send a lot of notes, but you need to do so in a strategic way. Evaluate your numbers on a regular basis. How many touches does it usually take before you make a sale? What has worked the best for you? A customer relationship management system (CRM) can help you track your productivity and highlight where you may need to put emphasis.

8. Ask for Constructive Criticism

Ask your manager or coach to offer constructive criticism. Be sure to go into the conversation with an open mind and heart. It can be difficult to hear some hard truths but if you stay receptive and know they only want to help you, it can be enlightening and powerful.

To learn how Buffini & Company can help you achieve growth, in business and in your personal life, sign up for a free business consultation with one of our experts. We’ve got you!

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