Buffini & Company Blog

The Top Motivational Books That Will Grow Your Mind This Summer

Top Motivational Books that will Grow Your Mind this Summer

Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Mid-Year Bold Predictions 2024 , now available on-demand. Has there ever been a more complex time in the real estate industry? Brian gives you theinside scoop on what’s taking place behind the numbers. Watch now.

For many of us, summer is a time to catch up on reading. There’s nothing more relaxing than lounging in the sun, buried in that new mystery novel or the latest romance from your favorite author. Still, you want to make sure you’re sprinkling in a few books for personal growth this summer to leave you refreshed, relaxed and re-inspired as you finish out the year. These are a few of our favorites to get you started!

The Latte Factor: Why You Don’t Have to Be Rich to Live Richby David Bach and John David Mann

Set in modern-day New York City, “The Latte Factor” is a contemporary representation of the timeless principle of compounding. Finance expert David Bach and author John David Mann illustrate the power of controlled spending, smart saving and — perhaps most importantly — paying yourself first. The main character Zoey, a curious young Brooklyn-ite with a passion for a great latte, meets a barista who helps her get on a track to financial freedom through a few lifestyle changes. This is a fun read with some practical takeaways that will transform your relationship with spending and saving.

The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work and Team with Positive Energy by Jon Gordon

Written through insightful fables, “The Energy Bus” is a quick read that packs a punch. Most of it literally takes place on a bus, teaching valuable lessons on positive leadership. You’ll learn the 10 secrets to accomplishing more by way of positive, forward thinking. Jon Gordon’s background working with people in sales, non-profit groups, athletes, schools and other major organizations helps him craft a powerful message that can benefit any professional. You’ll want to keep this delightful read in your beach bag at all times!

The Emigrant Edgeby Brian Buffini

This New York Times Bestselling novel from Buffini & Company founder and chairman, Brian Buffini, will transform how you view hard work and achievement in your life. He shares his own classic rags-to-riches story, then explains the seven traits that all successful immigrants possess — traits that he learned while building his own fortune in the United States. Now a successful motivational speaker and leader of real estate agent training worldwide, Brian guides readers to powerful breakthroughs in their lives so that they may harness “The Emigrant Edge.” You’ll want a highlighter as you work through this one!

The 5 Second Ruleby Mel Robbins

How many times have you hesitated to pursue something you really wanted? It is so easy to come up with excuses as to why we can’t achieve. We convince ourselves that we’re not good enough and fear the thought of failure. This is when you pick up a copy of “The 5 Second Rule” from Mel Robbins. She explains that in the face of nerves or hesitation, we need to count down from five, and just go for it. Based on the science of habit as well as Mel’s own story, the concepts in “The 5 Second Rule” can change your life and business and boost your confidence. Five, four, three, two, one…read!

The Greatest Salesman in the Worldby Og Mandino 

Sometimes it pays to get back to the classics — literally. Og Mandino is a personal growth legend who uses “The Greatest Salesman in the World” to share the qualities and practices of successful business people. It may sound pretty bland at first, but Og’s use of parable and storytelling makes this book a page-turner from start to finish. In the book, the main character, Hafid, learns of ten scrolls that teach him to build a fortune. It’s short — a full day at the pool might be all you need to get through this one. Still, you’ll want to take plenty of notes so you may apply the scrolls’ teachings to your own business or life.

Taking any of these books on your summer vacation? Post your photos on social media, and tag us — @buffiniandco on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. For more summer reading, check out Brian Buffini’s Book Club.

Buffini & Company

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