Buffini & Company Blog

A Setback is a Setup for a Comeback

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In these challenging times, people’s strength, patience and faith are really being put to the test. During uncertainty, it’s important to remember that seasons of trials happen all the time but we can conquer them and come out the other side, better than ever. Here’s how: 

Setbacks Differ

Different setbacks cause different challenges. Some setbacks are self-imposed, while others, such as the global Covid-19 pandemic, are complete blindsides. This means that you are going to need different tools for different times and different skills for different seasons What all setbacks have in common, however, is that they put you in the intense fire of the crucible, just like gold that is heated to extreme temperatures to rid it of impurities. Being exposed to that blistering heat is challenging. It means you are being tested. But it won’t be forever, it never is. In the end, you will come out pure, like gold.

What Derails a Comeback

Recovering from a setback is not something that happens immediately. There is no quick fix, but it is also true that a comeback doesn’t take as long as constructing something from scratch. On the path to recovery, you will experience a range of emotions, such as a sense of loss and feelings of overwhelm. Bear in mind that you can’t control everything, so focus on what you can control and start with small things to feel a sense of achievement. Above all else, work on your character. As Henry Ford said, “The world was built to develop character and we must learn that setbacks which we endure help us keep marching forward.” Feelings of apathy, hopelessness and frustration are normal, but strive to be a positive thinker. It takes toughness to think positively in these situations. Positive thinking alone won’t fix things, of course, but negative energy is a drain that prohibits growth.  

What Fuels a Comeback

A vision for the future: What does your future look like? It might not be perfect, but it doesn’t have to be. You can adjust your plans and your goals for this new reality.

A sense of purpose: As Marcus Aurelius once said, “A person’s delight is to do the things that he or she was made for.”  What are you designed to do? Figuring out your purpose starts with knowing your values. When your values are clear, your decisions are easy. Your purpose doesn’t have to be grandiose – start small and close to home.

Fulfilling your potential:  We all have blind spots about both our shortcomings and our gifts, which is why real estate training and coaching are so important. If you have untapped potential inside of you, that means your talent is being wasted. What are you waiting for?

The opportunity for gain: There is no shame is taking pride and joy in your achievements. If you put in the time, the effort and the risk, you deserve the reward. Keep working hard and you will reap the benefits!

Making a difference: Be a pebble in the pond and work to impact and improve the lives of others. You can make a difference in the world, the economy and the marketplace. Your character is the key. As Og Mandino said, “Sound character provides the power with which a person may ride the emergencies of life instead of being overwhelmed by them.”

For more information on how Buffini & Company real estate coaching and training programs can help you make a comeback, visit www.buffini.com

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