Buffini & Company Blog

Beyond Burnout

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In a world that moves at the speed of light, it’s no surprise that burnout has become an epidemic. Defined as an exhaustion of physical or emotional strength, this stressful condition affects millions of people around the globe, showing up in symptoms such as a loss of motivation, an increasingly cynical and negative outlook and reduced performance. Here are some tips to help you avoid burnout:

Burn the candle at one end

If you want to beat burnout, you need to protect your time and energy. When your plate is already stacked high and your to-do list is never-ending, don’t pile on more. Instead, take the pressure off by getting in control of your calendar and saying no to things. By giving yourself some breathing room, you’ll do better, live better and feel better. You can only help other people if you take care of yourself, so put your own oxygen mask on first.    

Take time off

Most entrepreneurs are so busy keeping tabs on their business that they never unplug and unwind. The truth is, you must give yourself dedicated time to refresh and renew or you’ll inevitably get burnt out. You don’t have to take a three-week vacation – mini-breaks and staycations can be just as restorative, as long as they’re regular. Quality downtime helps to boost creativity, increase focus and productivity and improve mental energy, so make sure you schedule breaks into your calendar.

Celebrate your wins

When you’ve always got one eye on the road ahead, it’s easy to forget how far you’ve already travelled. Focusing on future goals is a key to success, but so is celebrating your wins. When you experience a victory – small or large – take a step back, positively acknowledge it and give yourself and your team a pat on the back. Doing this will stop burnout in its tracks – and make a huge difference to your mindset. 

Be intentional in all 5 circles

To avoid burnout, you need to monitor all 5 circles in your life: spiritual, family, business, financial and personal. How do you rate yourself in each? Even a 1 percent improvement in each circle will really add up over time – and the compounding effect can completely transform your life.

Get support

On the road to success, no one should go it alone – we all do better when we work together. The right training or coaching program will support you in reaching your goals without burning out. Buffini & Company has programs for agents at every level, all specially designed to ensure that you grow your business while maintaining a healthy balance in your life. To learn more, listen to the latest episode of “It’s a Good Life”.

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