Buffini & Company Blog

Brian Buffini Makes Bold Predictions About the Real Estate Market in 2017

Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Mid-Year Bold Predictions 2024 , now available on-demand. Has there ever been a more complex time in the real estate industry? Brian gives you theinside scoop on what’s taking place behind the numbers. Watch now.

What’s in store for the real estate market in 2017 and how will it impact your business? Do you have a game plan to handle anything that comes your way? Brian Buffini will offer his bold predictions for the 2017 housing market in a live broadcast, The Game Plan for 2017, on December 6 at 9am Pacific Standard Time.

The real estate market is cyclical and because of its very nature, it’s important to develop a timeless game plan to help you navigate the course. One of the central components of thriving in any market is to focus on the fundamentals. When you Work by Referral, these fundamentals are the calls, notes and Pop-Bys you make to your clients to maintain a strong connection so you stay top of mind. By including these fundamentals in your game plan for 2017, you’ll not only get more leads and referrals, you’ll also earn more money by working less. That’s right; instead of spending all of your time prospecting cold leads, you’ll spend time connecting with your best clients. Not only that, focusing on the fundamentals also forces you to work smarter, giving you more time to spend with family and friends.

We’re excited to relaunch the Blitz for 2017. The Blitz is a 10-week activity-based, lead-generation program designed to help you boost your production in the first quarter of the year. When you commit to the Blitz, you’ll close one extra transaction per month and have the potential to make up to $121,776 in extra commissions if you participate in all three Blitz programs during the year. What’s more, if you’re a Buffini & Company Member, the Blitz is free.

Want to learn more? Sign up for Brian Buffini’s live broadcast today.

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