Buffini & Company Blog

Building a Business that Lasts

Building a Business that Lasts

Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Mid-Year Bold Predictions 2024 , now available on-demand. Has there ever been a more complex time in the real estate industry? Brian gives you theinside scoop on what’s taking place behind the numbers. Watch now.

To build a sustainable business that lasts, one needs to continue developing and growing their own vision, culture and values. In addition, the successful entrepreneur utilizes timeless principles to attack their business plan with a budget, written goals and a daily focus on lead generation.

Your business is meant to be a living, working document. It needs to be reviewed on a regular basis so you can change course as needed. As Brian would say “The principles don’t change, but the tactics may need to change.” This will give you flexibility and the ability to stay relevant and evolving.

Setting short-, mid- and long-term goals is instrumental to build a business that is resilient: one that endures the inevitable changes in the market. Your goals give you purpose and targets to achieve. In his upcoming book, The Emigrant Edge, Brian shares seven character traits that will help anyone succeed in America. A couple of these traits are a willingness to outwork others and a “whatever it takes” mindset. Executing the lead generation activities with this ferocious mindset will help you achieve your goals and more. As Brian describes it, you start with a “never say die” attitude and having an “all in” energy and effort.

Building out your database is a cornerstone to help your business evolve. Your database is integral to your business goals. Focus on growing not only the quantity but the quality of potential clients on a consistent and daily basis. Go ahead and take advantage of the Blitz with the Summertime Surge. These 60 days of planned business building activities will help you with immediate results and keep you focused on the fundamentals. You will develop and strengthen good habits as well. Look for opportunities to engage and inspire your database. Go with the mindset of “whom can I help today?” Personalize your Pop-Bys where appropriate and make the visit about your clients. The relationship-building process of working by referral will allow you to build trust and loyalty. This principle will outlast any competitor in the business.

This is why it is so important to have a Business Coach. Your Coach is trained to provide you with proven systems, direction and perspective. Be open to feedback from your Coach as they guide you in progressing and building your business.


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